Author Topic: F5F i F5B  (Read 10061 times)

Offline magic

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F5F i F5B
« on: December 23, 2008, 10:38:52 PM »
Kazu da je F5B Formula 1 a F5F Formula 2 u RC modelarstvu i da ko barem jednom nije probao ne zna sta propusta. Da vidimo dali je tako.

Otvaram novu temu kako bi video koliko uopste ima zainteresovanih za ovako nesto. Verovatno se ovo kod nas nije dosad primilo zato sto su cene znacajne. Mada, ako znamo da jedan akro model od 1,8m i 26ccm izadje barem 1.000e onda je mozda doslo vreme da se i ovako nesto mozda malo vise rasiri i kod nas.

Citanjem FAI pravila i gledanjem kalendara za takmicenje bukvalno me je zaprepastio broj F5F i F5B takmicenja. Da nebi ja mnogo objasnjavao o cemu se radi prenecu ono sto pise u pravilima. Inace discipline su potpuno identicne, razlikuju se samo tehnicka pravila u pogledu baterija i samim tim snage motora kao i minimalne povrsine krila. F5B su oko 1,75m raspona i orjentisani na maksimalnu brzinu, gde takmicarski set up ide do 5kW, modeli imaju penjanje od 60m/s tako da se pun gas drzi samo 3s. Brzine koje postizu su i do 300km/h. F5F su nesto slabiji idu i do 3kW a penjanje je oko 40m/s ali bolje jedre jer im je raspon 2,2-2,5m.

Evo jednog ineresantnog linka sa dosta modela kako bi stvari bile ipak malo jasnije:

A sada pravila:

a) Definition: This contest is a multi-task event for RC Electric Powered Motor Gliders including
two tasks:
1) Distance
2) Duration and landing
These two tasks are executed without interruption in one flight. A minimum of two and a maximum
of 8 flights must be flown. If more than three flights are flown, the lowest score of each competitor
will be discarded.
b) Model Aircraft specifications:
Minimum weight without battery 1000 g
Minimum surface area 26.66 dm 2
Type of battery Lithium Polymer
Maximum number of only serial cells 6
Cells in parallel are not permitted.
Minimum weight of battery pack 450 g
Maximum weight of battery pack 600 g
Limitation of energy by an electronic
limiter that stops the motor max 1750 Watt-min

Same rules as F5B except: Model Aircraft Specifications:
Minimum weight (ready to fly) 1500g
Minimum surface area 36 dm2
Maximum surface loading 75 g/dm2
Type of battery Lithium Polymer
Maximum number of only serial cells 4
Cells in parallel are not permitted.
Minimum weight of battery pack: 300 g
Limitation of energy by an electronic limiter that stops the motor max 1300 watt-min. Distance Task
a) This task begins when the model aircraft releases hand-launched and ends after 200
seconds. Time of release is to be taken by one timekeeper.
b) Starting and stopping the motor must be announced to his timekeepers;
c) When after stopping the motor the model aircraft first crosses the Base A in the direction of
Base B, the timekeeper starts counting the legs. The model aircraft must complete as many
legs as possible from the starting point Base A to the Base B and return;
d) Restarting the motor stops counting the legs, as does the expiration of the 200 seconds.
e) A timekeeper announces to the competitor when his model aircraft crosses the Base A and a
flagman or audio system is used to signal crossing of Base B. The absence of a signal will
indicate that the model aircraft has failed to correctly cross the base. The instruments used to
check the crossing of the vertical plane must assure the parallelism of such planes.
During the scoring in this task, flying with any part of the model aircraft on the forbidden side
of the safety plane will give ZERO points for the whole flight, distance and duration.
f) The competitor, his helper(s) and the team manager must remain at Base A until the distance
part of his flight is completed. Nobody, other than the flagman, may stay in the B line and give
g) Every completed leg will be awarded 10 points. When the model aircraft fails to complete at
least one leg after either of the first two climbs, 30 points will be deducted from the score of
this task;
After 200 seconds of this task, which will be indicated by an audio signal, the duration task begins
immediately. Duration and Landing Task
a) This task must be completed within 600 seconds from the moment the audio signal is given;
b) The competitor has to decide how much and how often he will switch on the motor;
c) The gliding-time timekeeper (1) starts his stopwatch every time the motor is switched off.
Gliding time ends either when the motor is switched on again or when the model aircraft
comes to rest after landing. The competitor must announce the switching on and switching off
of his motor to the timekeeper with the word “ON" and "OFF";
d) Gliding time is cumulative and one point will be awarded for each full second the model
aircraft is gliding;
e) One point will be deducted for each full second flown in excess of 600 seconds;
f) Additional points will be awarded for landing; when the model aircraft comes to rest in the 30
m circle, 10 points will be given while coming to rest in the 20 m circle gives 20 points, and
when coming to rest in the 10 m circle 30 points will be given. The distances are measured
from the centre of the circle to the nose of the model aircraft;
g) No additional points will be awarded if the landing occurs more than 630 seconds after
beginning of this task (as per

« Last Edit: December 23, 2008, 11:30:14 PM by magic »

Offline modelar

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Re: F3F i F5B
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2008, 11:19:28 PM »
Citanjem FAI pravila i gledanjem kalendara za takmicenje bukvalno me je zaprepastio broj F3F i F5B takmicenja. Da nebi ja mnogo objasnjavao o cemu se radi prenecu ono sto pise u pravilima. Inace discipline su potpuno identicne

Magic, nesto si pobrkao.
F3F i F5B nisu ni slicne, a ne potpuno identicne.
F3F su Slope Soaring Gliders i nemaju motor,a F5F su 4 Cell Motor Gliders i imaju motor.

Offline magic

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Re: F3F i F5B
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2008, 11:28:45 PM »
Citanjem FAI pravila i gledanjem kalendara za takmicenje bukvalno me je zaprepastio broj F3F i F5B takmicenja. Da nebi ja mnogo objasnjavao o cemu se radi prenecu ono sto pise u pravilima. Inace discipline su potpuno identicne

Magic, nesto si pobrkao.
F3F i F5B nisu ni slicne, a ne potpuno identicne.
F3F su Slope Soaring Gliders i nemaju motor,a F5F su 4 Cell Motor Gliders i imaju motor.

Ispravljen lapsus. Hvala.


Offline kole

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Re: F5F i F5B
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2008, 01:58:23 AM »

cini mi se da su ove klase proizasle iz F3B i F3J, s tim da je modifikovano prema tipu modela. Razlika je u podizanju modela jer se umesto vitla koristi motor, i nema zadatka BRZINA.

Aeroplan Jocika, vidi!

Offline magic

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Re: F5F i F5B
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2008, 04:24:12 PM »
Ono sto me je doslovce zaprepastilo je broj krugova koji takmicari urade za ukupno 200 sekundi a sa ugasenim motorom. Najbolji rade oko 40 krugova a procitao sam da je neko jednom napravio cak 46. Ako covek zna da je svaki krug 300m nije tesko izracunati prosecnu brzinu pod pretpostavkom da motor nije radio vise od 20 sekundi, znaci 40*300=12000m za 180 sekundi ili 66m/s odnosno 240km/h prosecno sa ugasenim motorom  (:sok:). Posle toga jedre 10 min sa radom motora do 10 sekundi (prakticno 3-4 penjanja na visinu).

Moram da priznam da me sve ovo jako fascinira (i privalaci) a mogu samo da zamislim kolicinu adrenalina u krvi ( mmmm ili je mozda obrnuto, mislim kolicinu krvi u adrenalinu).


ps jos jedan koristan link:
« Last Edit: December 24, 2008, 04:48:31 PM by magic »

Offline magic

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Re: F5F i F5B
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2009, 07:33:48 PM »
Hm, izgleda da nazalost ovde kod nas nema tako puno ljubitelja brzine  (spava), ajde ljudi razbudite se malo  4e! Ja sam imao Sprintera od firme Reichard

i to je sa 350W sibalo ko ludo. Nazalost nisam se dugo druzio sa njim jer me je neka smetnja u etru srusila. Ali secanje na brzinu i zvuk koji je model pravio su jos tu. Skoro da sam definitivno doneo odluku da ponovo nabavim nesto slicno i mislim da ce to biti model Ion od firme RFM. Oprema je vec spremna i bice na 650W  :jaki: (Hacker A3010XL, 4S, 11x8). Brzina penjanja, po motocalcu, bi trebalo da bude oko 15m/s  (<--) sto je vec vrlo pristojno! Kada stigne predstavicu ga na forumu.

Inace znam da je i Petar nabavio Mephisto od firme Reichard  :)aplauz pa se nadam da ce nam se jos neko uskoro prudruziti!

« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 08:20:28 PM by magic »

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Re: F5F i F5B
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2010, 10:58:11 PM »
Na sledecem linku jako puno zanimljivih informacija o F5B i tehnici letenja:


Offline magic

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Re: F5F i F5B
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2010, 11:49:26 PM »
Evo i jako dobrog videa kao izgleda jako kvalitetno F5B letenje:


Offline Lazo

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Re: F5F i F5B
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2010, 12:52:59 PM »
Ma sporo bre to nekako! :big smile To mora da svira makar za jednu oktavu više! ;namig
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 12:55:43 PM by Lazo »
Smrt fašizmu - Sloboda na aerodromu!

Offline magic

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« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2010, 10:53:11 AM »
Eto dokle se stiglo sa F5B, do 7kW  (:sok:) !!!
