Author Topic: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a  (Read 10151 times)

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setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« on: February 22, 2016, 04:28:02 AM »
Nasao sam na yuotube-u kako se setuje ovaj kontroler zavrsio prvi deo medjutim kad startujem multiwiiconf leva strana mi radi al video desne strane ne???
Ima li ko ideju sta je u pitanju???
ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2016, 04:43:48 AM »
Stavio multiwii 2.4 o proradilo :hehe (yay)
ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2016, 12:18:50 AM »
br 1. Ima li ko u bgd da se igrao i jos uvek igra sa multiwii 328p plocicom na quadru??
br.2 Postavio sa karticu na quadr,povezo komande i motore,preki multiwiiconf proverio rade komande al nece da armira motore.Preko arduino 1.0.5-r2 izvrsio kalibraciju esc i ona kad memorisem pokrene motore nekih 6-7 sekundi svi krenu istovremeno i stanu istovremeno al opet nece da armira motore.
Probao sam i da prebacim armiranje na desnu palicu ista prica nece,vratio na levu palicu i sad ne mogu naci gde gresim i zasto mi nece da radi tj pali motore!
Ima li ko da pomogne???

ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2016, 07:16:06 AM »
Za ovaj tvoj kontroler neznam ali probaj mozda uspe.Kod kk2 i kod cc3d recimo rudder ako je ispod 55% nastelovano ne mozes armirati na daljincu motore. mmmm
Nije sramota učiti !!!

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2016, 10:23:55 AM »
I mene ovo zanima, ja sam isto kod armiranja zaglavio, plocica miniWii sa 328p.

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2016, 04:38:22 PM »
NEMA NIKO DA POZNAJE TEMATIKU???? ()-() ()-() :sljus :sljus
ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2016, 11:26:06 AM »
Nisam koristio MultiWii ali cleanflight je vjerovatno iz njega preuzeo onaj small angle protection, iliti letjelica nece da se armira ako ne stoji ravno. Mozda je to. Jesi li kalibrisao ACC?

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2016, 06:33:28 PM »
Quadro stoji ravno na stolu a kalibrisao sam  ACC i opet nista!
ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2016, 06:39:11 PM »
Vrijednost gasa? Da nije iznad mincheck iliti 1100 po defaultu ja mislim?

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2016, 07:04:22 PM »
Pravila koja se morajiu ispostovati
1.   Balance all Motors - dynamic - you must do this step. see here

2.   Balance all Props - static on a prop balancer and also dynamic by running them to check vibration and eliminate it - if you have not balanced your props you are an ameatuer hack - sorrrrry - but it's true - you will create a raft of problems for your IMU and your video productions - just do it and accept that this is part of multicopter culture and setup - Do not bullshit yourself.  For Folding props make sure they are exactly the same weight and have the same friction setting - pivot with the same forces both sides

3.   Check all Prop adapter collets and shafts are true - not bent - check each prop & motor combos are balanced and vibration free when running

4.   Mount all sensors on gel or PU gel  - always - we recommend PU Gel or high end Helicopter mounting tape for the IMU - do not use the dji tape supplied - we dont
Be sure to separate all electronic devices at least 90mm from other devices - Do not place the CPU or the IMU up close to ESC, GoPro or FPV gear!! Bad idea.  For dji pilots - > Monitor the Pilot LED lights at all times especially dji products for "white Sparking" in flight - ignoring or failing to understand that white sparking is serious warning will lead to a pilot failure to respond and centre all controls -> crash - this is a sign you have a bad vibration issue - so abort - land and fix it..

5.   Mount all GPS/MAG pods well away from all RMI ESC and the main LiPo - NEVER use the DJI lollypop stick - but make sure it not blurred from vibration - ie vibrating so much it looks blurry  - use a small analogue compass to detect EMF fields - do not put your compass in a vib zone or where it gets interference when the copter is running

6.   Solder all wires with solder flux paste amtech 223 - don't use cored solder or weak soldering irons - we use a FAST 80w iron with a very large copper tip - the s900/z15 pulls ±37amps in hover at 25v  - we used XT60 (60 amp rating) but we take care to size them to make sure they are tight (not the plastic - the pins) - make sure the soldering is perfect either way by using flux paste and a really big (fast) iron head. XT60 can handle short burst of high temp but not long slow heat from small irons. NEVER USE Y Cables in a Power train - solder dual redundant cables to remove any single point of failure in the supply lines

7.   Set all failsafe channels and test them LIVE to check the stability of the RC signal - we set up a mix, to shift the modes channel to failsafe - with a switch

8.   Do a proper RC range check of the RC radio with all FPV gear powered on - dont get lazy and skip this check - its very important

9.   Test all FPV gear at 200m on the ground - establish which of the 8 freq. is the strongest at long range - Do not mount FPV antenna near RC in or near carbon

10.   Check all push connectors are firm - loose or soft connection cause engine/esc failure - for S800 and RC connectors use contact-X on all push on RC connectors - Esp in coastal zones

11.   Check all data line are 100% secure - tied but not pulling - For dji PCB pins - check none are loose or wiggling

12.   Check all props for fatigue cracks or stress fractures - understand that copper wires - bent back-n-forwards can crack internally inside plastic booms

13.   Do a pull test on all Props before every flight to check security - for s800 check the props tip-plane-path from the side

14.   Do post flight temp checks on all ESCs and all motors

15.   LiPo's - Telemetry Monitor every cell of the LiPo in flight with Quanum or similar - do not rely on total voltage alone.  The LiPo must be a significant proportion of the total aircraft weight (this can only be achieved if the airframe is perfectly matched)  - LiPos which are TOO SMALL will droop on take off, cause rapid voltage loss and overheat the LiPos, reducing their life drastically - LiPos which are too large will overheat the motors in proportion as the motors will strain to carry massive LiPos or payloads - The ideal LiPo size ratio to AUW is 30-33% of total AUW aircraft weight (with camera/gimbal) - the ideal payload (Camera+gimbal) is 15-20% of AUW. So a 1.4kg aircraft will have 420g LiPo ; a 12Kg copter will have 3kg LiPos. Take steps to cool LiPos which are being hammered - this means heatsinks or fans or lots of airflow over them.  (ie hovering over the desert with LiPos getting no airflow will trash your LiPos)

16.   Route all data lines well away from ESCs - for ESC this is easy as the ESC are under the motors

17.   Operate the CPU/IMU on a dedicated 5v DC bus for large multicopters >8kg - this isolates DC spikes from motors from effecting the CPU
18.   Check all wires for airframe shorting - dull down any sharp edges on carbon with a diamond file - pinched wires, cut or chaffed wires will cause major issues - check

19.   Check the airframe is grounded to prevent static entering data lines - props create static - it has go somewhere

20.   Separate all RC receiver antenna wires by 90° and keep away from carbon structures - use long antenna -  dont tape antenna near carbon, or carbon landing gear

21.   Operations in marine environments - sea salt will oxidise connectors and prevent proper connections - it will also bridge adjacent connectors and create short circuit risk - very easy to guard against by using inox - you must do routine maintenance to prevent damage from salts if you operate in these zones - For all exposed or push connectors - ie all RC plugs - clean them with ACETONE first - dry - then use marine grade corrosion protection such as Inox or Corrosion-X or Deoxit Gold similar sprays to prevent corrosion - less is more - blow away excess with air gun nozzle

22.   Ground your aircraft at the slightest hint of abnormal ops of any component, such as motor hesitation or any other sign of human error (a loose wire noticed) or hanger rash

23.   Remove all risk - if you fly over a crowd of people the risk is falling - so don't fly over crowds or people or the ocean -   Wear safety glasses - props can cut your hands or EYES !

24.   Program and test GPS return to home - even A2 or Wookm has no collision avoidance - be sure to set 50% throttle immediately it start to RTH - be 100% familiar with GPS over ride procedures and fly on MANUAL if req'd

25.   Never assume - problems come in groups - its never just one thing, if you find a problem - look again.  Make sure for Hexii that you understand IOC engine failure procedures that it will spin and possibly descend - understand that an OCTA will crash if the IMU is vibrated too much or an autopilot brown out occurs –

26.   Check the voltage of your Main CPU rail is exactly 5v - use multiple C1 caps on the 5v DC rail

27.   Use loctite - Make sure the entire airframe is 100% rigid and secure - vibration can loosen flight critical parts. Loctite must be heated before your try to remove a screw withit - and can be cleaned and disolved in Acetone

28.   Use a checklist and stick to it - all Pro-pilots use checklists - look for problems - Especially vibration - DO an IDLE vibration check before take off !  on every flight !

29.   Make 100% sure you ALWAYS see the LED signals - this is vital for "White Sparking" observations - if you ignore White sparking warnings via the LED  - you will suffer consequences

30.   Calibrate all sensors - often.  The GPS pod also contains a delicate MAG Compass - calibrate it in away from metal - all metal - including cars and houses.

31.   Weigh your Aircraft - use different GAINS for different weights - carry a scale - check the weight.

32.   Set the C of G assmetrically - never in the middle - the goal is to force all the engines to run at different RPM in the hover to PREVENT RESONANCE occuring - so set the C of G 10mm forward and to the side 5mm at least

33.   Carry spare parts - that way if you have a problem - and are under the hammer to get the flight done - you can safely install the spare part first in minutes - then fly.

34.   As the pilot in command EVERYTHING is your fault - if anything goes wrong - YOU as the Captain are responsible afterward.  Posting up your sad story on a forum wont change anything "after" a crash.

Na stanici mi nije bio gas namesten kad stoji u sredini rucica  na multiwii mora da bude 1500!!!
ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2016, 07:30:29 PM »
PARIS Autopilot - Transmitter Calibration

MultiWii software requires an accurately calibrated radio Tx - To do this it offers a USB interface called a GUI which shows you the output errors of your RC radio and allows you to correct/calibrate them to be accurate !  DO NOT SKIP THIS first STEP - see right - every transmitter is slightly different - Create a new model memory on the Tx and Call it PARIS.  Make sure your PC/Mac has JAVA loaded enabled - The GUI runs on JAVA - do a cold restart after installing Java - connect the Receiver (Rx) to the PARIS, connect the PARIS to your FTDI-USB - this supplies 5v power (after installing the FTDI drivers - HERE - cold restart) and turn on your Transmitter (Tx) and set ACRO(airplane) & PPM(not PCM).  If your not sure leave your Radio on factory settings.  99% of RC radios output PPM and work with PARIS out of the box.  Do NOT connect anything else yet (like ESC) to the PARIS ! -  then Launch the matching 2.2->2.2 Config or 2.2->2.2 Application/program on your PC or Mac or the latest code 2.2 and whilst looking at your PC screen - you will see that changes made on the Tx are sent to the PARIS via your Rx - and actual critical uSEC readings - 1095/1500mid/1905 can be set. If you cannot get it exact then use 1090/1500/1910.   PARIS is a digital interface and the software running invisibly inside requires very specific digital PWM uSEC numbers to hover 100% auto-level, arm, disarm etc.  So this may seem a bit weird but you will be using/pressing buttons on your Tx whilst your eyes are looking at your PC or Mac.  So move all sticks to the centre - set all Tx trims to neutral - Now use SUB TRIM MENU on your Tx to set all mid points to 1500 on these blue bars.  Then move, one at a time,move each stick to the low position and set 1095; then move each stick/switch to the high position and set 1905.  Then go back and check all your midpoints are still 1500    Do this for all sticks and switches. 
Orientation - the light blue bars (above) MUST move in the same direction as the stick you are moving - If they do not then REVERSE that Ch in your Tx.  So if you move the throttle stick up - then the blue Throttle bar should move up.  If you move your rudder right then the YAW bar should move right.
For Multwii code 2.2 or later (New Multiwii Code 2.2 use 1.0.5 Arduino HERE - make sure you use GUI 2.2 to match it -  clear the eeprom and make sure you recalibrate the ACC and MAG after any version changes - Calibrating a MAG means press the button and then rotating the Quad XYZ 360° in 30 secs)
ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2016, 06:17:41 PM »
Ajmo poznavaoci kartica multiwii jer ovo sto sam obelezio na slici znaci da je automatski ukljuceno acc,baro i mag???Ne trebam pokusavati traziti da se pali posebnim preklopnim prekidacem???
ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2016, 06:58:42 PM »
Da, to znači da su aktivirani, ne treba da tražiš posebne prekidače...

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2016, 10:02:24 PM »
Hvala na brzom odgovoru!!! ()-() ()-()
ex pseudonijum: sova

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Re: setovanje Holybro MultiWii 328P Flight Controller-a
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2016, 06:35:58 PM »
A što si pitao ovo Sovo, jel imaš problem sa očitavanjem senzora u interfejsu ili te zanimalo čisto onako..?