RC altimeter and vario

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Generalno, vario koji salje audio signal je dosta skupa stvar.
Ovaj koji si ti nasao kosta :
RC Altimeter #3 Pro  £130.00 (senzor)
RC T2000                  £120.00 (prijemnik)

Ovo su drugi koji emituju signal koji mozes uhvatiti na stanici od 433mhz:



Daklem, kostaju kao neka dobra jedrilica. I ja bih jako zeleo da posedujem bilo kakav ali su mi bas skupa igracka.
Pojavilo se nesto na bazi FRSKY telemetrije koju imam, ali nemam Turnigy 9x, pa cu malo ispitati tu pricu.
Koliko vidim, spojili su softver stanice i FrSky telemetriju i moze da daje audio signal.
Ako to sve radi, onda je to najjeftinija varijanta.

--- Quote ---Configuring a Vario


Open9x now supports an advanced Vario to help you sniff out thermals. To use a vario you have a choice of products.
# The thermal scout product released by Winged Shadow  http://www.wingedshadow.com/
# The standard FrSky hub and Vario product http://www.frsky-rc.com/
# The new Halcyon project started by members of this forum!  http://code.google.com/p/halcyon/

Configuring your vario is achieved as follows:

Visit the telemetry configuration page and scroll down to the section called 'vario'. You will need to select a source for your vario signal. You have a choice of 'BaroV1|BaroV2|A1|A2'.


If you are using the FRSky choose BaroV1, Halcyon systems choose the option BaroV2. If you are using the Thermal Scout System; choose the A1/2 channel you are plugged in to.
Note. If using A1/A2 you will need to enable the alarm for this A1/A2 channel further above in the telemetry screen. 

You will note that the values have been set to 3.2m/s and offset -1.6m/s. This is to match up to the WS system that sends 1.6v as a signal for no lift, and up to 3.2v to indicate lift strength.

There is no need to configure alarms for the A1/A2 Channel.


When configuring the vario you will note the two options 'Limit'. These options WILL require a little bit of tweaking to get your vario working to your personal taste!

The two values on limits are:

1. Minimal negative vertical speed where sounds starts to play (continuous beeps), possible values: OFF - no sound at all for negative vertical speeds, -10.0..0.0 range

2. Minimal positive vertical speed where sound starts to play, possible values: -1.0..2.0, This is a little confusing -1.0, so need example can be shown as follows:

If you set -0.5 there in second field positive indication starts on -0.5 vertical speed, it means: if you have normal (for glider) always -1m/s and found weak thermal flow -0.5 mean you have profit +0.5(-1m/s your normal + 0.5m/s air flow = -0.5m/s which is better than -1m/s)! because you have found weak thermal flow or side of good flow.
Note: With Audio Mod  and audio firmware option you will have different cadence and sound for positive vertical speed strength.

Finally.. you need to enable the vario to actually play some sound!

This is done in the 'function switches' configuration. Simply choose a switch.. and select the function 'Vario'.


All going well.. you will not have a vario to help you sniff out the lift!
--- End quote ---

Auhh ove prve stvarcice su bas skupe, ali zato ovo sa Turnigy 9x i FrSky mi se vec svidja  :big smile
Jel mozes da mi kazes koji je to tacno model koji ti imas a uklapa se sa ovom stanicom, posto je imam?

Ja imam Frsky sa telemetrijom i Futabu 7C, a na HK ti pise koja Frsky telemetrija radi sa 9x, mada mislim da sve rade.

E sad nesto drugo, malo sam sad gledao po netu i vidim da se pojavilo nesto novo...
Radi se o "Thermal Scout-u". To sam gledao i ranije i nije mi se svidjalo jer je radilo na principu da se prikljuci na servo rudera, pa kada osjeti termal, on trzne servo. Medjutim sad su ga unapredili, i stavili mu audio output, tako da je sada interesantna varijanta i nije skupo 45$  :


Sada se postavlja pitanje audio predajnika, i mozda bi moglo da se iskoristi nesto kao "spijun buba" koje su nekada bili pun oglasi :)


Ali... spijun buba ima mikrofon, a nama treba audio ulaz, tako da treba provjeriti moze li to da se promjeni.
To su neke osnove elektronike, neko sa foruma ce sigurno znati.
Kada bi ovo radilo, signal bi mogao da se uhvati na radiju u kolima ili FM radiju u mobilnom, i eto super stvarcice.


E, da... evo ti linkovi za Turnigy:



Druze hvala ti puno na trudu i utrosenom vremenu  :)aplauz, bas me je zainteresovala ova prica.
Nadam se da ima nekoga kod nas ko vec koristi ovu spravu i da ce podeliti iskustvo sa nama ovde.

Ako pronadjem nesto zanimljivo u vezi ovoga postavicu ovde.

Hvala ti jos jednom. Pozdrav

Nema na cemu, ja ovo trazim i zbog sebe, bilo bi jako fino imati ovako nesto.
Mozda jos nekog zainteresuje prica, mada jako malo jedrilicara ima na forumu.


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