CEK CEK CEK, motor u nosu se obara na dole nekoliko stepeni da bi se time ponistio efekat podizanja aviona na gore, znaci kad se model pod gasom podize na gore t.j. penje motor se obara na dole da neutralise taj efekat i da u svim rezimima rada motora avion leti pravolinijski.
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Mislim da smo vec pisali o osama motora i njegovom postavljanju na model.
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Ajde Ivane postavio ovde ako ti nije tesko ako se vec pisalo o tome ...
Ne mogu da nadjem a zakleo bih se...
Ali evo nesto slicno:
Down thrust is commonly used to reduce the natural climbing tendency of the plane, but it isn't always necessary. Generally speaking, a high wing plane will need more down thrust than a low winger.
Ivanmagd potpuno si upravu......motor na dole ponistava evekat penjanja pri vecem gasu, tj. gura nos aviona na dole. Vise o ovome potrazite po netu,evo jedan od linkova koji se mogu naci https://sites.google.com/site/electricrcaircraftguru/motor-thrust-angles
ili izdvojen tekst !!!!
2) Down-thrust angle: The down-thrust angle is required primarily to offset the climb response of higher-speed airflow over the wings. As throttle is increased, airspeed over the wings due to prop-wash alone tries to almost instantaneously make the airplane climb. Down-angle counters this climb for increased throttle. Also, the aircraft will actually speed up, causing additional lift trying to make the plane climb. Again, down-angle counters this climb effect. Secondarily, the down-angle of the motor also reduces the "slant" of the propeller to incoming air (when viewed from the left side of the plane again), making it more upright (|), and less slanted (/), thereby also reducing the yaw due to P-factor simply by removing some of the slant (angle of attack), which causes P-factor! Therefore, the down-thrust angle counters both the climbing effect, and some of the yaw due to P-factor!
Sad ti za tvoje potrebe nemoj da preteras pa da stavis preveliki ugao. Podbaci jednu podlosku za pocetak na gornja dva srafa pa vidi kako ti se ponasa avion i ako treba dodaj jos !!!
Slobodane , cestitke za prvi uspesan let, daj i neki video, bas me zanima kako leti. Sto se ugla motora tice, na mom Ampmasteru je motor postavljen na dole i na desno gledano od repa prema nosu. Nosac motora je vertikalan i dovoljna je bila jedna sajbnica srafa od 3mm pod nosac motora.
Teziste mi je tacno na remenjaci. Da li si uopste ubacio neku sajbnu pod nosac?
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