Author Topic: Meister Scale P 47  (Read 157043 times)

Offline mirce

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #105 on: January 15, 2012, 01:39:27 PM »
Zalepljen horizontalac...

Ako da Bog, danas će biti i vertikalac...



Offline sova

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #106 on: January 18, 2012, 07:35:17 PM »
sta reci nekad je bilo cekanje na "zagorov" roman :)aplauz :)aplauz :)aplauz al ovo je sad mircetov esej,roman ovo je sad kao kad detetu pokazes slikovnicu pred spavanje tako i ja pogledam mircetove slikice i na spavanjac (<--) (<--) (<--).
ovo je extra!!!
ex pseudonijum: sova

Offline mirce

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #107 on: January 20, 2012, 11:31:37 PM »
Hvala Sovo... Da bi danas bolje "pajkio" evo par slika...

"Mirčeandjelovo" novo vajarsko delo...

Obratite pažnju na ivice... ;namig



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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #108 on: January 20, 2012, 11:52:41 PM »
Mirce zvacu te da mi gletujes zidove kada dodje vreme.
Vidim da ti dobro ide a prasine  nigde nema ;namig
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 11:54:15 PM by drjack »

Offline mirce

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #109 on: January 21, 2012, 04:57:05 PM »
He, he... Počni da skupljš lovu, to će ti biti verovatno jedno od skupljih gletovanja...

U zadnje vreme mnogo se spominju novi radijalni motori koji su se pojavili na tržištu. Reč je o motorima Evolution. Motori se prave u Indiji, i to su bivši Seidel motori. Doduše, dok su bili pod ovim brendom travili su se samo u glow varijanti i manjim zapreminama.

Prvi se na tržištu pojavio Evolution 260, sedmocilindrični, radijalni, četvorotaktni benzinac.
Medju prvima koji su imali i probali ovaj motor bio je moj prijatelj Steve Thomas, vlasnik Bob's Hobby Center u Orlandu. Da vam ne bih sad prepričavao impresije i kako radi evo link ka topicu o ovom motoru, a ima i you tubića kako radi...

Za razliku od Mokija, koji sem prevelike cene, imaju i dosta "bubica" (pregrevaju se, odvrćumatice od auspuha, na svaka dva sata rada se šteluju ventili, rade mnogo bolje sa električnom pumpom i turbulatorom, delovima koji se kupuju naknadno...), Evolution radi mnogo dobro. Evo šta mi je Steve napisao:

Hi Mirce,

I really like the engine and it performs very well. I have used it alot and have had no issues whatsoever with it. It starts very easily and is very easy to operate. I ran it yesterday after a 6 week layoff and it started 2nd flick and settled into its beat straightaway.

There is little maintenance on it apart from oiling the rockers. I have adjusted the valves once since getting the engine and I guess it is about time to recheck them again as the engine is now run in.I have only tightened the muffler nuts once and they seem to hold very well in comparison with the Moki

The great thing with the engine is how consistent it runs. The engine temps are very similar and it runs significantly cooler than the Moki. We have video of us holding the cylinder heads while the engine is running. The throttle response is excellent even with the 34x18 three blader I  am running at the moment. I recently took all the plugs out to check the color and all are consistent.

I particularly like the fact that you do not need any other piece of kit to make it work - you do not need a pump or a turbulator and the price is very sensible.

The only negative I have is the physical size of the engine. You need a fairly large airframe for the 260cc and there are not that many cowled airframes that will take it at the moment although it would be great for a Stearman etc. The silencer ring is very effective and is smaller than the diameter of the engine. In future the silencer ring will be made smaller I understand which will make installation a little easier

Overall I much prefer it to the Moki and with 2 more cylinders the sound is impressive.

I do not know much about the 160cc but will definitely  be getting one once they are available

Let me know if I can help further


Ne rekoh najlepšu stvar, Evolution 260 je 1000$ jeftiniji od Mokija 250!!!

Početkom februara treba da se pojavi se Evolution 160, moto istre koncepcije kao 260-tica ali manje zapremine.
Učinilo mi se da bi ovakav motor bio dobra opcija za Meisterovog Thunderbolata. Malo sam se raspitivao, razmenjivao mailove i na kraju saznao tužnu vest, prečnik motora je prevelik da bi stao pod kapotaž od P 47... Motor je 11" ili 280 mm, a kapotaž je..


Moki 150 staje jer je 255 mm...

Sve u svemu, eto mene opet kod MVVS 80 GX. No i tu ima interesantnih stvari.
Gledajući moj topic o P 47 na RC Universu, javio mi se jedan Belgijanac koji je počeo sa proizvodnjom reduktora za MVVS motore. Za MVVS 45 je već napravljen i proban, a za 80 se trenutno testira.
Evo šta mi je napisao:


We are testing this month with the MVVS 80.
John just installed a brand new cnc machine.
As soon as we progress I will keep ya posted.

For the moment we are finalising all tests but we need all the engines we can lay our hands on ore borrow lol... We test for Da DLE MVVSKolm Engines ZDZ,  also we are gooing to develop scale stuf in that field for radial engines......this will be a surprise!
Every engine needs to be a reduction made and tested so plans made cad cam etc it is a very fine but a complex time consuming work. Especialy when I am in Europe and John in US you know the feeling isn't it, since you are in contact with so many guys over there !

The goal of our firm is to make reductions to swing scale props at a very affordable price for every modeller who makes big scale birds....
Our idea came from the fact that everybody is spending so much money and time to build a perfect scale bird but has to put a non scale prop for flight ...
There where in the past a couple of guys who have build reductions but or very high price or for one type of engine...

The price : I can not say yet since for that we have to finish the complete MVVS range and I will be in the US but that is very near future. As soon as I have the concrete info I will publish it on the market and to you. Hereby some more pics and please stay in contact.

- configured as a "bolt-on" reduction.... no modifications to his engine so the customer could add or subtract at will. No cutting or drilling of the engine parts at all!! 
- all  engines of one brand ( zdz dle da mvvs etc) will be very similar in design to each other but not universal to any other brand engine.
- 2,3, or 4 blade propeller gear ratios per engine size.
- all CNC cut, T6-6061 Aircraft aluminum construction
- Gates belts
- affordable design so every one can enjoy!

The video is of the 45cc last test stand run before the install into the Yellow P-40. This configuration is turning a Solo prop 24"-19 with a 1.66-1 ratio at 4100 rpm. The motor and reduction(no prop) weighed 5.4lbs ready for install.

Eto... Reduktor pruža mogućnost da se stavi prilično veća elisa ili propeler sa više krakova, što doprinosi boljem iskorišćenju motora i performansama modela. Pošto je sada skoro 100% sigurno da će na Meistera ići MVVS 80. možda "padne" reduktor, naravno, pod uslovom da cene ne bude neka "giga - mega"...



« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 05:01:51 PM by mirce »

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #110 on: January 21, 2012, 06:55:53 PM »
Mirce ovaj reduktor je odlicno resenje ali mora biti uradjen vrhunski i provereno.
Pretpostavljas sta bi se desilo sa motorom ako bi se neki od srafova koji drze reduktor otpustio ili pukao kais.

Offline Mika

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #111 on: January 21, 2012, 08:20:41 PM »
        nisam strucan sto se tice motora,ali da li si mozda razmisljao o KOLM motorima?Ne znam da li se ikako uklapa u Tvoj projekat,ali je meni zapao za "uho'' svojim zvukom.

Offline mirce

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #112 on: January 21, 2012, 09:22:17 PM »
Sax, što više "opreme" to su veće šanse da se nešto desi. Ja se mnogo više bojim elektronike nego mehaničkih sklopova.

Na slikama i na videu reduktor izgleda kao vrhunski proizvod. Sa MVVS-om 45 leteli su ga na P 40 Warhawk-u.

Ljudi su spremni na saradnju, tako da vrlo lako može biti da prvi imam ovakav reduktor na P 47...

Miko, lepi su im motori, al' jes' video cifre?



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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #113 on: January 21, 2012, 11:58:18 PM »
Reduktor je fenomenalan, mada mi nije bas jasno odakle sta porizvodi onakav zvuk. Motor ne zvuci sigurno onako.
(ovako mi se naravno vise svidja). Ali motor  na stranu SCALA PROPELER JE DO J..A.

Offline disljenko

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #114 on: January 22, 2012, 01:41:28 AM »
Dobro je kod ovih skala propelera (pored toga sto izgledaju odlicno) moze da se podesava korak ili ti "pitch" i tako efikasno iskoristi snaga motora. A misa je upravu, stvarno se drugacije cuje motor sa ovim reduktorom.

Offline mirce

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #115 on: January 22, 2012, 02:19:58 AM »
Za ovako velike propelere, pa još ako su tro ili četvorokraki, treba ozbiljno razmisliti o Soloprop-u -

Jeste cifra u početku, ali ako slomiješ krak možeš da kupiš samo jedan, dok kod običnog propelera baciš ceo... Sem toga, kako Dišljenko reče, korak se šteluje...
O izgledu je iluzorno govoriti...



Offline marko

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #116 on: January 22, 2012, 11:14:40 AM »
Mirconi, brate, batali taj reduktor.

Komplikujes konstrukciju, povecavas tezinu (ajde, to za warbird i nije lose, posto uvek treba tezine u nosu), taj jadni motorcic je preturiran, zato se i tako cela sprava cudno cuje, a da ne govorim o otezanom hladjenju motora.

Jos jedna stvar, veoma bitna.
Citam da se negde spominje u postovima staticki potisak.
Sta ce na warbirdu kao najvazniji parametar izbora elise staticki potisak, pa tebi ne treba fen, neces da hoverujes ili tako nesto?
Posto su warbirdi teski avioni, njima je vaznije da lete brzo (veci korak elise).
To znaci da nije bitan staticki potisak, nego maksimalna brzina, koja se postize izborom elise sa vecim korakom.
Ili ti, treba da smanjis maseni protok, a da povecas brzinu isticanja.
Praktican primer: na sukhoju imam mejzlika 27X10 sto mi daje potisak od 25 kg i maksimalnu brzinu letenja od 95km/h.tezina aviona je 11,5 kg sa gorivom i raspon 2,5 metra.
Mirconi, ti imas 2,5 metra raspona i 17kg tezine, sto znaci da tvoj avion ima mnogo vecu minimalnu brzinu od mog, sto trazi veci korak elise.

Nadam se da nisam smorio. (pijemo)

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:54:46 PM by marko »
WARNING:intentional straight and level flight prohibited!

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #117 on: January 22, 2012, 11:08:38 PM »
Ja sve ovo pisem, da bi se Mirce odlucio ipak za Mokija.  (pijemo)
WARNING:intentional straight and level flight prohibited!

Offline disljenko

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #118 on: January 22, 2012, 11:43:53 PM »
Drzi se ti mvvs-a i nema frke, i sam si pisao da ti se dobro pokazao na hellcat-u i da ima vise snage od zenoah tako da je to pravi motor. Mada bi 116 bio bolji :D ali cini mi se da ne moze da stane pod kapotaz.

Nego jesi li se odlucio za kolor semu? Ima li nekih naznaka?

Offline mirce

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Re: Meister Scale P 47
« Reply #119 on: January 23, 2012, 01:46:31 AM »
Joj svakog dana sam sve "ludji"...

Dakle, počelo je sa Moki-jem, potom rekoh sebi  (kush) "ajde smiri se" stavi lepo MVVS 80, kad ono medjutim... Vid'o Evolution 160, ajd' tu sam se brzo vratio u normalu, jer ne staje pod kapotaž, potom reduktor...

Muke su to, morate me razumeti...

U medjuvremenu sam razmenio još par mailova sa ljudima koji razvijaju taj reduktor, i saznao sam da sa reduktorom MVVS 80 može da vrti 26 - 28 inča propeler, ali četvorokraki!!! Standardni MVVS vrti 26x10 ili 27x10 dvokraki propeler.
Četvorokraku elisu je imao pravi P 47.

No, uz cenu reduktora (rekoše mi da bi imao popust, ali i dalje nemam pojma koliko to košta), za četvorokraku elisu, sa sve pratećim delovima, kod Solopropa, treba da se "izbekeljite" oko 500$... Pa na to kad dodate redukror + MVVS 80 opet se stigne do ili blizu cene Mokija...   

Znači preskupo...

Danas mi je bio čika Dule i gledajući sve ovo, primetio je da ako se stavi reduktor ne može da se postavi dummy engine, a bez njega P 47 od napred izgleda "skrnavo" sa onako velikom rupom na kapotažu...

I šta sad, opet sam na početku...

Tijano mi je skoro u nekom mailu rekao da se manem svega i da kupim ili MVVS 80 ili novi ZDZ 90 RV-J.
Danas sam gledao taj ZDZ, uf nije "hrdjav", košta u cent isto kao MVVS, a snažniji je, sudeću bar prema elisama koje vrti...

Evo link:

Eto meni novih "muka"...  ")

