Author Topic: F3A, P-13  (Read 13571 times)

Offline Enrique-f3A

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  • Enrique Grujicic R.
F3A, P-13
« on: April 25, 2011, 03:13:52 AM »
Preliminay Schedule P-13 (2012-2013)

P-13.01 Clover Leaf with horizontal roll
From upright, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, push through a ¾ loop into a horizontal line, perform a roll, push through a ¾ loop into a vertical downline, pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright.

P-13.02 Stall Turn with ¼ roll up, ¼ roll down
From upright, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform a ¼ roll, perform a stall turn into a vertical downline, perform a ¼ roll push through a 1/4 loop, exit inverted.

P-13.03 Roll Combination with three ¼ rolls, three ¼ rolls in opposite direction
From inverted, perform three ¼ rolls followed by another three ¼ rolls in opposite direction, exit inverted.

P-13.04 Half Square Loop with two ½ rolls in opposite directions
From inverted, push through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform two ½ rolls in opposite directions, push through a ¼ loop, exit upright.

P-13.05 Triangle with roll in each line
From upright, push through a 1/8 loop into a 45° downline, perform a roll, push through a 3/8 loop into a horizontal line, perform a roll, push through a 3/8 loop into a 45° upline, perform a roll, push through a 1/8 loop, exit upright.

P-13.06 Reverse Immelman with roll
From upright, perform a roll and immediately push through a ½ loop, exit inverted.

P-13.07 45° Upline with 1 ½ snap roll
From inverted, push through a 1/8 loop into a 45° upline, perfrom 1 ½ snap roll, push through a 1/8 loop, exit upright.

P-13.08 Reverse Top Hat with ¼ roll down, ¾ roll up
From upright, push through a ¼ loop into a vertical downline, perform a ¼ roll, push through a ¼ loop into a horizontal line, push through a 1/4 loop into a vertical upline, perform a ¾ roll, push through a ¼ loop, exit upright.

P-13.09 Spin with 2 ½ turns, 2 ½ turns in opposite direction
From upright, perform a spin with 2 ½ turns immediately followed by another 2 ½ turns in the opposite direction, perfrom a vertical downline, pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright.

P-13.10 Pull-Push-Pull Humpty-Bump with ¼ roll up, ¼ roll down (Option: Two ¼ rolls up)
From upright, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform a ¼ roll, push through a 1/2 loop into a vertical downline, perform a ¼ roll, pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright.
Option: From upright, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform two ¼ rolls, push through a 1/2 loop into a vertical downline, pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright.

P-13.11 Cuban 8 with integrated rolls on top 90° of both part loops.
From upright, pull through a 5/8 loop into a 45° downline while performing an integrated roll in the top 90° of the loop, push through a ¾ loop into another 45° downline while performing a roll in the top 90° of the loop, pull through a 1/8 loop, exit upright.

P-13.12 ½ Loop
From upright, pull through a 1/2 loop, exit inverted.

P-13.13 Square Loop with ½ roll in each line
From inverted, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical downline, perform a ½ roll, push through a ¼ loop into a horizontal line, perform a ½ roll, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform a ½ roll, push through a ¼ loop into a horizontal line, perform a ½ roll , exit inverted.

P-13.14 Figure 9
From inverted, push through a ¾ loop into a vertical downline, perform two ½ rolls, pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright.

P-13.15 Roll Combination with ½ roll, roll, ½ rolls in opposite directions
From upright, perform a ½ roll followed by a roll in opposite direction, followed by another ½ roll in again opposite direction, exit upright.

P-13.16 ½ Loop on Corner with ¼ roll, ¼ knife-edge loop, ¼ roll from upright pull through a 1/8 loop into a 45° upline, perform ¼ roll, perform ¼ knife-egde loop into a 4 45° upline, perform ¼ roll, pull through a 1/8 loop, exit inverted.

P-13.17 Figure Z with four 1/8 rolls
From inverted, pull through a 3/8 loop into a 45° downline, perform four 1/8 rolls, pull through a 3/8 loop, exit upright.

Offline SABURO

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Re: F3A, P-13
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2011, 06:22:24 PM »

Ovako to sve izgleda.

Deluje jako interesantno, videcemo da li ce Angel moci ovo da izdrzi!
 :big smile
Nikola |

Offline Enrique-f3A

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Re: F3A, P-13
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2011, 03:02:37 AM »

Sorry, have to post in English.  I do speak Serbian but do not write it   >:( !!. Velco, thanks for the video. Regarding  Pattern videos I think that maneuvers precision is dificult to check (like in simulators). However they are very good just for reference and provide a good idea of the whole sequence execution.


Offline zajo

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Re: F3A, P-13
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2011, 09:33:11 AM »
Velco, thanks for the video
That is Nikola  ;namig
Cheers  (pijemo)
Every model airplane starts in a box and end in a bag :) Ido Segev

Offline SABURO

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Re: F3A, P-13
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2012, 10:33:36 PM »
Od kako sam nabavio novi F3A model Wind 110, skoro pa sve letove sam se trudio da izletim P13 program koji i nije preterano zahtevan. Imam jos puno da vezbam dok ne doteram svoj nivo letenja na onakav kakav bih zeleo i siguran sam da cu to vec uspeti u toku naredne godine.
S obzirom da sam program izvezbao s desna na levo, trudicu se da ga "naucim" i obrnutim redosledom, jer nikada se ne zna kako ce vetar duvati na takmicenjima. Trenutno jos veci izazov mi predstavlja F-13 program koji je zaista tezi i zahtevniji, ali to je naredni korak za narednu letnu sezonu. Evo kako F-13 izgleda:

Nikola |