Author Topic: EASY STAR II ARF (Almost Ready to Fly)  (Read 19113 times)

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EASY STAR II ARF (Almost Ready to Fly)
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:12:43 AM »
Prvi model EASY STAR-a je možda jedan od najprodavanijih modela aviona.
Zbog velike popularnosti kako kod početnika tako i kod iskusnijih letača, ekipa iz MULTIPLEX-a napravila je još bolju verziju ** EASY STAR II **

Ovo je orginal EASY STAR II i dolazi u ARF (Almost Ready to Fly)

The EasyStar II - With its superb flying characteristics and safe rear-mounted motor, the new model is the ideal platform for anyone who wants to make a start in the model flying hobby. As a rugged fun machine it is also a great choice for the more experienced model pilot.
The new EasyStar II incorporates many improvements.
What’s new?
- Powerful brushless motor - three times the power of the EasyStar I
- Folding propeller for reduced drag when gliding
- Easily detachable tailplane for convenient transport
- Prepared for ailerons (everything included in the set, apart from the two servos)
- Large internal compartment - plenty of space for a large LiPo flight pack

What the EasyStar II really can do:
The most impressive feature of the EasyStar II is its incredibly long flight times. With the recommended 2000 mAh ECO battery it is possible to rack up forty minutes of flying without thermal assistance. Fit a 4600 mAh ECO pack, and you can fly for 90 minutes, which equates to a distance of 70 km.
Wingspan: 1366 mm
Length: 977 mm
All-up weight: 700 g
Total surface area: 28
Wing loading: 25 g/

RC functions: 
- Rudder
- Elevator
- Throttle
- Prepared for ailerons (everything included in the set, apart from the two servos)

Kit contents:
- Moulded ELAPOR® components
- Strong GRP wing spar
- All small plastic items and hardware required to assemble the model
- Die-cut decal sheet
- Folding propeller 7 x 6 inch
- Plastic spinner holder
- Multi-lingual illustrated instructions

To run the model, you will also need:
- RC system with 4 channel or more
- Transmitter battery
- Brushless Motor D28
- Brushless motor controller 18 A or more
- Connector set between controller and battery
- LiPo battery 11.1 V/ 2200-4000 mA
- NANO servos (4 pcs)
- Servo estension leads or Y cable (if necessary)
- Battery charger with charge leads