Author Topic: Izbor servoa za gimbal  (Read 4850 times)

Offline Gatti.Gatozza

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Izbor servoa za gimbal
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:11:36 PM »
Prilikom letošnjeg puta na more, svratio sam i do rc prodavnice u Edessi u kojoj sam kupio sledeći gimbal.

Prilikom prijatnog razgovora sa vlasnikom, rekao mi je da je koristio dva Hitec HS-65HB servoa sa njim.
Pošto HK u poslednje vreme ima jako loše stanje sa lagerom Hitec i InoLab servoa, našao sam iste u Heliguy prodavnici sa kojom od ranije imam dobra iskustva.

Testa radi, na gimbal sam stavio dva HXT900 servoa da vidim da li sve to radi kako bi trebalo. U DJI assistantu sve lepo može da se podesi i što se toga tiče, sve radi savršeno. Međutim, HXT imaju jako malu rezoluciju i fini pokreti koji su za ovo potrebni, ne postoje već sve to secka, pa su oni neupotrebljivi.

Na heliguy-u imaju u ponudi sledeće:
Hitec HS65MG
Hitec HS56HB
Hitec HS82MG
Hitec HS65HB
Hitec HS55

Kakva su Vaš iskustva sa ovim servoima? Koji od njih je najprecizniji i koji od njih nema ili ima najmanji prazan hod? Koja je prednost HB u odnosu na MG ili obratno?

« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 12:19:36 PM by Gatti.Gatozza »

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Re: Izbor servoa za gimbal
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2012, 11:08:59 AM »
Every model airplane starts in a box and end in a bag :) Ido Segev

Offline djbojan

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Re: Izbor servoa za gimbal
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2012, 11:37:44 AM »
Savox 1258TG    :mhm   

The SC1258TG combines leading edge technology with super high 12-bit (4096) resolution and titanium and aluminum gears for one amazing servo! With titanium and aluminum gears, this servo is truly magical. Pushing 167 ounces of torque and a blistering .08 transit time, this servo is redefining what an all-around servo should be capable of. This is a great upgrade to most comparably priced servos.

Combines leading edge technology with super high 12 bit (4096) resolution and titanium gears.
Super light-weight.
Coreless motor provides high speed, incredible efficiency, and low power consumption.
Extremely strong titanium gears ensure long-life and durability.
The aluminum case design not only looks good but also allows for cooler and smoother operating temps.
Our servos are totally green – from materials to production, these servos are environmentally friendly.
Ideal for CCPM on 600 and 700 class heli, steering servo on 1/10 scale buggies.
Dimensions(mm):  40.3x20.2x37.2
Weight(g):  52.4
Speed(@4.8V sec/60):  .10
Torque(@4.8V oz-in):  133.3
Speed(@6.0V sec/60):  .08
Torque(@6.0V oz-in):  166.6
Gear:  Titanium & Aluminum
Bearing:  2BB
Case:  Aluminum
25 Tooth Spline