Iznajmljivanje Parrota: ARDrone-a 2.0
Dragi forumasi,
Potrebano mi je da iznajmim ARDrone 2.0 i to minimum 4 komada na jedan dan. Da li imate ili znate nekoga ko ima ovo kod nas?
(moze i vise ljudi, pa da se skupe Dronovi na gomilu :)
Dronovi su potrebni za predstojeci Resonate festival u Beogradu, kako ne bih morali da ih kupujemo.
Hvala vam unapred!
Ako ih i kupite jeste li razmisljali o tome da neko treba i da upravlja
dolaze stranci da upravljaju :) i to još da programiraju grupno letenje.. biće zabavno to je sigurno.. još samo da ih pronadjemo
A ne znam ni kako bi vam to neko dao da upravljate sami, bez debelog depozita... :)
to je već stvar dogovora festivala i vlasnika dronova, zar ne?
pošto se na resonate-u do sada moglo čuti jako zanimljivih stvari, a i ovogodišnji program ima par veoma interesantnih predavača, nadam se da ćemo mi koji nismo učesnici workshopa moći da prisustvujemo nekom finalnom prikazu onoga što je urađeno.
How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love the Drones (Memo Akten)
Drones. Mechanical creatures from an Orwellian nightmare. Seedlings for the sneaky antagonists of post-singularity sci-fi horror films. We all love to hate them, but they're here to stay, whether you like it or not. So why not start getting to know them and speak their language? Can we learn to live with them? Can we learn to love them? How far can we push them from their intended purposes, and discover new ways of incorporating them into our lives - and our artistic practise? As artists, can we encourage others to see them in a different light? Can we anthropomorphise them? Can we identify with them? Can we encourage other people to identify with them? Can we create an emotional connection between humans and these so-called doomsday droids of the not-so distant dystopian future? Can we hijack them and use them as vessels through which we express our creative vision.
In this workshop participants will be doing exactly that, designing and developing systems to interactively control quadrotors (ARDrone2) and explore their artistic potential. The heart of our system will be openFrameworks - an open source C++ toolkit for creative coding. Participants will interactively control quadrotors in realtime, and that includes throwing into the mix as many different types of inputs and control mechanisms as possible (keyboard, mouse, wiimote, midi, computer vision (i.e. webcam, kinect), joystick, audio-reactive input etc. Heck, if Cinema4D is your weapon of choice, perhaps you can animate trajectories using mo-graph in C4D, write a python exporter to export the data in XML and load that up in openframeworks to send to the quadrotors! (Memo did exactly that for the techno ballet in cannes).
Requirements: Some previous familiarity with programming (java, processing, actionscript, javascript) is recommended, Laptop, Latest version of Xcode4 + openFrameworks (0073) installed. Please compile and run a few OF examples to make sure you're setup correctly and ready to go. If you prefer Processing, vvvv, pd, max/msp, please test OSC examples since this setup will send control commands as OSC to a server that then forwards these to the drones. Some ARDrones will be provided, and shared amongst the participants, but if you have one or more, please bring it along (lots of batteries too)!. Also if you would like to use any particular input device please bring them along too! e.g. a joystick, midi keyboard, 3dconnexion space navigator, wiimote, kinect (for gestural control), microphone (for audio-reactive control, or even guitar or any other instrument!), arduino (+ any sensors like IR Range finders etc etc).
Workshop Leaders: Memo Akten / Marshmallow Laser Feast
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