Prvi koraci na temu F3K u nedelju 10.05.2020. Svako leti za sebe i rezultate belezi na linku ispod. Da, podlozno je varanju, al mislim da nije to cilj.
1) Task C All up, last down - (3:00min max) x 3
2) Task H (One, two, three and four minute target flight times, in a strictly defined order (1-2-3-4)) Working time: 10 minutes.
3) Task D (Two flights) Each competitor has two (2) flights. These two flights will be added together. The maximum accounted single flight time is 300 seconds. Working time is 10 minutes.
4) Task L (One flight)During the working time, the competitor may launch his model glider one single time. The maximum flight time is limited to 599 seconds (9 minutes 59 seconds).Working time: 10 minutes. na sajtu je obavezna, a zatim i registracija za Beer Open
Svrha je testiranje softvera, nas samih protiv stoperice i da se na neki nacin uhodamo u celu pricu. Elem, podrzavaju i F5J takmicenja, mozda nekome ta informacija bude od koristi.