Author Topic: Re: Fw: F5J Eurocup Hungary  (Read 4201 times)

Offline adam

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Re: Fw: F5J Eurocup Hungary
« on: July 25, 2010, 11:47:22 AM »
danas mi je stigao mail gde nas takmicare  iz srbije pozivaju da ucestvujemo na takmicenju klase f5j , i f5j400 evo i detaljan opis takmicenja pozdrav
      Date: 11-12 Sept, 2010
Place: Airport Matkó (Kecskemét), Hungary
Categories:  F5J, F5J-400outrunner
  Organized by: Korona Model Club,  Kiskunfélegyháza, Szeged Model Club,
Director of the competition: Tibor Alács
Organizer: László Markó
Rules : RULES OF F5J–EUROCUP 2007–2010 (+F5J400outrunner)
László Markó  Mobile: +36 30 2897879
Required information: name and surname, (junior), country, category,
      minimally 2 channels, or 2,4 GHz, meal order, room or camp.
Deadline of the registration: 02 Sept, 2010
Information about registration:,74630.0.html
Competition fee :
  20 € / person one category,    30 € / person two categories,
  10 € / junior one category,     15 € / junior two categories
Languages: English, Hungarian, Slovakian
Protest: in writing within 20 minutes from the event, fee: 20 €
Prizes : The first 3 will get a cup, juniors will get medals
The Schedule:
Friday:         10 Sept, 2010   till 20:00 Registration
Saturday:    11 Sept, 2010
                         08:00-08:30 Registration
                         12:00 Opening ceremony
                         12:15-13:00 Qualifying rounds
                         13:00-13:30 Lunch
                         13:30-19:00 Qualifying rounds
                         19:20 Dinner
Sunday:       12 Sept, 2010
                         08:30-13:30 Qualifying rounds
13:30-14:00 Lunch
                         14:30 Fly offs
                         17:00 Closing ceremony
         Meal: Saturday:lunch (3,5 €), dinner (3,5 €)
 Sunday:   lunch (3,5 €) with Hungarian tastes.
   Soft drinks, coffee and buffet will be available at the airport.
 Programs can be changed by organizers, due to the Slovenian round and  weather.
Accommodation possibilities in the airport:
For about 10 persons in the building of the airport and about 50 person in wooden hauses (6-9 persons) Cost 10 € / person / night.
 Camping is possible on the airfield. Cost 1 € / person / night
The organizers look forward to meet you at the contest and wish a successful event.
Airport from road 54 through Matkó. GPS: 46.799824, 19.679089

Offline Gabor

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Re: Fw: F5J Eurocup Hungary
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2010, 12:07:01 PM »
Ako mi poslovi dozvole, onda idem obavezno.  (yay)