DIY FPV QuadCopter by flugzeug

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Kao što sam najavio kontroleri su stigli danas...

Kao prvo sam se pozabavio sa upustvom i programiranjem istih što se ispostavilo kao mnogo komplikovanije nego što sam mislio. Razlog tome je što se niz zvukova koji daje ESC ne poklapa sa šemama u upustvu. Uspio sam da nađem upustvo koje odgovara ali je nepotpuno a možda dijelom i netačno. Sutra ću da se još pozabavim oko toga.

Zalemio sam konektore.
Kao slijedeće morao sam da produžim kablove prema motorima. Preporučena dužina kablova od baterije do ESC-a je max 15cm, kod mene je 14cm. Tako da sam morao da produžim kablove prema motorima.

Na kraju sve je montirano na ram. Prvi test "iz ruke" kaže da se sve ponaša kako treba. Sutra završna podešavanja i ako se bude dalo prvi let.

Nakon što sve uštimam da radi onako kako želim bacam se na "šminku" odnosno zaštitni oklop za centralni dio.

Toliko za danas...
 ()-()  (<--)

Eh sad...ne moze da leti bez poklopca  :)aplauz

Ne zelim da ispadne da se mnogo pravim pametan, ali molim te skini propelere dok ne istestiras da li sve radi kako treba.

Ne znam da li će se motorima svideti da rade bez propelera... A i nije lako odrediti smer obrtanja... Ja sam pre za varijantu da se to veže u 4 tačke za podlogu na kratkom kanapu. Ako cimne da ne može da udari propelerom o podlogu ili nešto drugo. Na seljčkom jeziku se to kaže sapeti govedo!

--- Quote from: gizmo on January 07, 2011, 12:51:18 AM ---Eh sad...ne moze da leti bez poklopca  :)aplauz

Ne zelim da ispadne da se mnogo pravim pametan, ali molim te skini propelere dok ne istestiras da li sve radi kako treba.

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Bez brige ljudi, već su smjerovi određeni, što se podešavanja tiče ostao je još samo "fine tuning". Bez montiranih propelera se ne može vidjeti dali sve radi kako treba...zato sam morao sa njima ali veoma pažljivo i u malim obrtajima.

Preuzeto sa www.kkmulticopter.com


Transmitter throttle adjusting:

-Turn on transmitter and flight controller.
-If led does not turn on and stays on, lower your trim.
-If still no go, you may need to reverse the throttle channel.
-On Tri v1.5 Quad v4.5 firmware above, you need to Arm your board by putting the left stick down and to the right for the LED to come on. If this does not happen, adjust your throttle and yaw trim down and to the right on your transmitter.

Initial transmitter ATV/servo range settings:

-pitch (elevator): 50%
-roll (aileron): 50%
-yaw (rudder): 100%

Initial gain pot values is 50%. Increase until it starts to oscillate rapidly, then back of until it is stable again. Fast forward flight needs lower gain.
Too low gain is recognized by hard to control and/or always want to tip over.

ESC throttle range:

-Turn yaw pot to zero.
-Turn on transmitter.
-Throttle stick to full.
-Turn on flight controller.
-Wait until the ESC's beeps twice after the initial beeps. (Plush and SS ESC's)
-Throttle stick to off. ESC's beep.
-Turn off flight controller.
-Restore the yaw pot.

Checking transmitter channels:

-Take off the propellers.
-Turn on transmitter and flight controller.
-Set throttle to about 1/4. Motors should start.
-Move pitch (elevator) stick forward. Back motor should speed up. If not, reverse pitch (elevator) channel.
-Move roll (aileron) stick to the left. Right motor should speed up. If not, reverse roll (aileron) channel.
-Move yaw (rudder) stick to the left. Front and back motor should speed up. If not, reverse yaw (rudder) channel.

Checking gyro directions:

-Take off the propellers.
-Turn on transmitter and flight controller.
-Set throttle to about 1/4. Motors should start.
-Tilt quad forward. Forward motor should speed up. If not, reverse pitch gyro.
-Tilt quad to the left. Left motor should speed up. If not, reverse roll gyro.
-turn quad CW. Front and back motor should speed up. If not, reverse yaw gyro.

Reversing gyros:

1: Set roll gain pot to zero.
2: Turn on flight controller.
3: LED flashes rapidly 10 times.
4: Move the stick for the gyro you want to reverse.
5: LED will blink continually.
6: Turn off flight controller.
7: If there is more gyros to be reversed, goto step 2, else set roll gain pot back.

Final check:

Hold the quad firmly over our head, give about 1/2 throttle slowly. Hold it steady when you start increasing the throttle, becouse it calibrates its gyros when throttle leaves zero, and then the gyros need to be at rest.
If it tries to twist away, check propeller and motor directions, gyro placement and trim settings. A slight twist is OK.
If not, try to twist the quad. It should resist your movements. And also more gain gives more resistance. If it starts to oscillate, reduce the gain. If you
need to reduce the gain below 40%, something might be wrong.
Note: the correct procedure for taking off from the ground is as following:

1: The quad and its propellers needs to be motionless.
2: Increase the throttle (collective). Just as the throttle leaves zero, gyro calibration is performed.
3: Enjoy! And remember to close the throttle if you lose control. Much less damage.

- Do not use bigger propellers than you need. Light propellers gives faster response and more stability.
- Try to get it to hover at about midstick (1/3 to 2/3 throttle). Use smaller/bigger propeller, different motor Kv or more/less cells to achieve that.

P.S. Upravo sam uočio grešku vezano za orijentaciju KKmulticontrolera, to me je bunilo više puta jer u jednom dijelu upustva kaže da strelica obilježena na pločici mora biti usmjerena prema motoru 1 (M1), a u drugom opet dijelu kaže da mora biti usmjerena u pravcu kretanja naprijed.
Ja sam kontroler postavio tako da je usmjeren prema M1, ali sada mi se čini da je to u suštini za "+" varijantu. Za "X" varijantu on mora biti usmjeran u pravcu kretanja naprijed kao na slici.:

 ()-()  (<--)

@zgrujic - nisam mislio da se bas sve radi bez propelera, vec prva inicijalna testiranja da li je sve povezano kako treba, kako reaguju ESC-ovi i ziroskopi. Svakako da motore u tom stadijumu ne bi gurao na max, tako da im ne smeta sto rade bez propelera. A ako nesto nije povezano i podeseno kako treba, sa propelerima cas posla se napravi ozbiljan karambol, a moze i gadno da povredi  (___)

--- Quote from: flugzeug on January 07, 2011, 07:18:58 AM ---Bez brige ljudi, već su smjerovi određeni, što se podešavanja tiče ostao je još samo "fine tuning". Bez montiranih propelera se ne može vidjeti dali sve radi kako treba...zato sam morao sa njima ali veoma pažljivo i u malim obrtajima.

Checking transmitter channels:

-Take off the propellers.
-Turn on transmitter and flight controller.
-Set throttle to about 1/4. Motors should start.
-Move pitch (elevator) stick forward. Back motor should speed up. If not, reverse pitch (elevator) channel.
-Move roll (aileron) stick to the left. Right motor should speed up. If not, reverse roll (aileron) channel.
-Move yaw (rudder) stick to the left. Front and back motor should speed up. If not, reverse yaw (rudder) channel.

Checking gyro directions:

-Take off the propellers.
-Turn on transmitter and flight controller.
-Set throttle to about 1/4. Motors should start.
-Tilt quad forward. Forward motor should speed up. If not, reverse pitch gyro.
-Tilt quad to the left. Left motor should speed up. If not, reverse roll gyro.
-turn quad CW. Front and back motor should speed up. If not, reverse yaw gyro.

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