Da izlazi nova Naza V2 ali moze se ubaciti novi firmware i u staru.
Ja nisam imao problema sa starim ali ima nedelju dana kako sam ubacio novi firmware i umesto trenutne verzije 2.02 koristim 3.03 beta.
Nakon odlicnih rezultata na quadu ubacio sam 3.03 u sve modele koje imam.
Imao sam slucaj pucanja elise na hexi teske oko 3kg i bez problema uspeo sam da sletim. Nikad ranije nisam imao pucanje elise dok je bila starija verzija 2.02 pa nemam pojma kako bi se hexa onda ponasala.
Za koji dan napravicu snimak poletanja i sletanja bez jedne elise.
Hocu da sastavim jedan okto tezine oko 3-4kg. koji ce koristiti Nazu.
What’s new with the NAZA V2 : Firmware and functions
- New attitude stabilization algorithm, provides
better flight performance / maneuverability;
- New flight control performance, provides better flight experience; (flight control is smoother, take-off is easier, and solved the swinging problem when descending at high speed.)
- Support for Octo-rotor;
- One-motor stopped still can land safely (Hexa-rotor, Octo-rotor)
- Automatic course deviation compensation, reduced the effects of magnetic disturbance; interference around the compass detection & warning;
- Added IMU advanced calibration, error identification and warning, reduced the impact of sensor error to the flight performance