Author Topic: EPF edf  (Read 6696 times)

Offline Schwab

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EPF edf
« on: December 21, 2010, 02:00:16 PM »
Danas naleteh na HK na ovaj EDF MotoTurbine 64mm 4700KV EDF Unit

Evo sajt Taiwanskog proizvodjaca , gledao sam par snimaka i bas dobro zvuci.
Odmah mi je sinula slika me262 sa ovim motorima i video koji je negde postavio Poseidon .  oo))


For the first time I was flying by Jet propulsion!No engine vibrations.No torque and no lashing sound of the engine propeller.Accompanied by a whistling sound, my jet shot through the air. Later when asked what it felt like, I said, "It was as though angels were pushing". 'Adolf Galland-ME262 ace'