Giant EPO Cessna 182 Skylane

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Evo sta je doletelo u moj hangar pre neki dan, radi se o Giant EPO Cessna 182, mislim da slobodno mogu reci da je najlepsi avion koji sam imao, raspona 1,9 m elektro pogona mada je motor koji sam dobio uz nju meni nepoznat jer nema nikakvu oznaku na sebi, izgleda kao neki 4250 ili sl, bateriju jos nisam pazario ali mislim da ce leteti sa nekom 5s 3-4000, uz nju sam dobio i plovke jedino me brine sto su teski 500 gr, ceo avion je 2500 gr na poletanju a sa plovcima 3000gr, prilicno tesko za epo avion ali koliko sam video prilicno je robustan i velik trup i izgleda kao veoma tvrd avion. Slike i snimci sa prvih letova bice objavljeni cim nabavim bateriju i vreme dozvoli jer nam se od sutra ne smeska sunce u neko skorije vreme. Na slikama sam samo stavio avion preko plovaka bez montiranja pa izgleda malo grubo.

Super si pazario!    ()-()

Ja imam identican model samo nesto manji, raspon krila 1400mm, ali tako lepo leti da je fenomenalno, znaci kad ga vidis, kao da je pravi avion.


Bolje noz u ledja da si mi zabio! Ako budem pri kesu otkupicu cesnu cisto da vidimo kako gori ;)
btw da te dugo sluzi iako je ruzna! :)  ()-()

 :)aplauz   cestitamo Ivane  :)aplauz
Motor je: 3647 out-runner brushless KV800 - ESC 45A- predvidjena batttery 3300 mah 14.8V 25C sa 14x7 prop... !
Ne znam da li ce da trpi 5S, zavisi od ESC-pa, valjda... 3740 motor trpi 5S, ali svakako treba po meni staviti neku od 5Ah
Li-po ili 2 x pararel 3.3Ah... mislim da bi svakako na nju trebalo staviti neke vece tockove 100mm, i svakako LED rasvetu.
Posto su nam zalihe ALFE i ARROW, jako utanjile, od proleca ce ovo biti avion za obuku u Maloj Ivanci, odlican za ucenje na duple komande...
Ne znam samo kako bi se EPO ponasao sa nekim Glow motorom od 10 cc !!??

Evo par korisnih saveta kojim cu se ja rukovoditi kod sklapanja moje iste Cessne (iskusni ljudi):

Building tips:
The model is delivered from the manufacturer with very long steel push rods for controlling the rudder and the elevator. This is a simple way of controlling the elevator and rudder, and it is ok for average and scale flying. But it is not a precise, and professional good enough methode if you like to do some aerobatic or 3D performance with the model.
Therefore we chosed another way to control the elevator and the rudder to make the movement more precise. Please read the description and check out the pictures below. It is up to you what methode you chose.
Probably the smartest and most accurate way is to mount two micro servos recessed into the rear wing (as it is done on the ailerons and flaps) and connect them together with Y-cable and extension cable to the receiver. The same method can be applied to the rudder with a powerful micro servo mounted in the middle of the rudder fin. You can, if desired, mount a rudder horn and a push rod on each side of the rudder. Then you get a completely stable and balanced push-pull system for the rudder. Check the pictures below and see how we did this. The pictures also show how we have inserted an extra rudder hinge. We have deliberately put the cables on the outside, so it is easy to understand the solution. Use a sharp knife to make an incision in the EPO to hide the cables and seal with some glue. Mount the servos for the elevator exactly as the picture shows, if you do not use a radio with mix for two elevator servos. We recommend using micro servos to avoid the model from being tail heavy. For this solution you need: 1x powerful mini servo for rudder, 2x medium powerful micro servos for the elevator, 1x Y cable and 2x extension wires of 50-60cm, plus four micro servos for ailerons and flaps. We also recommend to move the nose wheel servo to the front, as the picture shows, to get 100 % precise control of the nose wheel steering.
Waterflying on floats:
For the first test flight select a day with a light breeze and 5 - 10 cm high waves on the water.
Taking off when it is calm and mirror-smooth water is much more difficult! Check out the video where flaps and use of the ailerons is used to rip the plane off the sucking calm water surface.
OBRATI PAZNJU na 0:15 sec kad desnim aileronom podigne levo Float da lakse izadje iz vode !!!!

Evo je lutka na travi:

Uzivaj  (<--)

Pazi kad sam znao da si nju kupio  (pijemo)...lepa maĊĦina...ima ovde korisnih saveta  http://www.bungymania.com/cessna182stm/index.html


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