Author Topic: Obavestenje MINTOR Engines  (Read 3947 times)

Offline zajko

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Obavestenje MINTOR Engines
« on: July 22, 2013, 07:20:39 PM »
Ne znam zasto, ali sam dobio sledeci e-mail, (cak sa njima nisam imao nikakve kontakte), ali mozda nekome pomogne, mislim da su ovde na forumu pominjani ovi motori, ako se ne varam  4e

"Guys, I just want to let anyone that has a Mintor engine that has been experiences low compression, no compression or have had a failure to send it back to the TDA warehouse. I just heard back from Claudio. Claudio is telling me that all the problems have been fixed and the updated parts are available. There will be a lot of companies shut down in Italy for the Month of August so this might cause a little delay from what Claudio is telling me. He did however say the Mintor will remain open and work on updating engines during August. So with this said we are asking any customer that has an engine that has failed or that is showing very low or no compression to send them back to the Top Dawg warehouse and we will include them with our shipment that Mintor is picking up. We are going to put a deadline of August 16th that all engines have to be back at our warehouse. Mintor will be picking up our engines on the week of August 19th. Please fill out the repair from attached but you will want to ship your engine to our warehouse not the service center. Again do not ship your engine to the address on the repair form.
Also, do not include any mufflers, stand offs, prop washers, prop bolts or ignitions. (ENGINE ONLY)

Please ship to:
Top Dawg Warehouse
11820 CR 3080
Rolla, MO. 65401

For a repair form, email us at we will email you back a repair from to include with your engine.

Please fill out the repair form completely and ship the form with your engine. This form will accompany your engine to Mintor in Italy.


Blaine Austin"
RC Hobby Park, Mala Ivanča, Belgrade, SRB
Executive warehouse keeper, senior