Sta je bolje za MikroKopter Spektrum DX18 ili Graupner Hott mx 12
Ja sad na jednom modelu koristim DJI a2 elektroniku u koju ima mesta za 2 satelita dsmx i sa stanicom dx18 imam 18 kanala, sa satelitima dsm2 imam 12 kanala, i sve kanale mogu u stanici da rasporedim kako gde hocu.
I nije mi jasasn razlog zasto to na MikroKopteru nece da radi.
Drugo letim u gradu i svuda samo sa tim helikopterom koji je najtezi 6kg pa x3, jer sam najsigurniji u ta dva satelita sto se tice dometa.
Fail safe radi kod spektruma savrseno na svim kanalima samo ga treba setovati prilikom bindovanja satelita.
Spektrum Rx sa satelitima se NE koristi za parkflayere jer nema potrebe za tim, sateliti se dodaju na 6 i više kanala Rx, za mnogo veće i zahtevnije letelice, recimo Giant Scale, gde se ta 4 satelita rasporede duz trupa, shodno šemi koja se dobije uz Rx, da bi se postigao što sigurniji prijem signala, u kritičnom momentu, ako do njega dodje, dovoljno je da samo jedna antena uhvati signal, i spasava celu stvar. Parkflyeri i mikro avioni koriste mnogo prostije Rx bez satelita sa 4/5/6 kanala (klasični Rx)….
Ja razumem da na planeti zemlji ima ljubitelja Futabe, Spektruma, JR-a, Sanwe itd… i svako će imati ono što želi da kupi, i koliko je spreman para da izdvoji… ali je bezveze paušalno komentarisati…. kako kažu na RC Univers "večiti duel izmedju Futaba i Spektrum ljubitelja"
evo šta čovek tamo, vrlo objektivno kaže:
"I have several Futaba, Spektrum and JR radios and use them all frequently. All my radios have performed flawlessly in over 3 years and more than 10,000 flights in over 60 different planes and Helicopters.
So I have no bias towards any brand and can comment objectively.
I have over 40 planes / helicopters using Spektrum and not once have I ever had to rebind a receiver, and some have been bound for over 3 years and flown over 1000 times.
I am not disputing your claim about others having to rebind their systems, but it has not been my personal experience at all.
With respect, your comment "and after the plane is down the light is flashing like the bind is not right. " tells me that you perhaps do not understand what the flashing lights actually mean.
If it was an orange flashing light it means, 1. the Receiver is in DSM2 mode, and 2, The receiver has sensed a drop in power below its "brown out" level
If it was a RED flashing light it means there was a 'temporary" loss in connection between the TX and the RX.
Now, there is a third possibility that I see all the time with Spektrum users.. if the aircraft lands, and you turn off the receiver then turn it on again, or change flight battery in an electric aircraft with an ESC / BEC WITHOUT turning off the Transmitter, you will get a flashing orange light on a receiver operating in DSM2 mode.. This happens 100% of the time and is completely to be expected.
I have seen several pilots do this and they don't notice the receiver lights flashing until the second landing then scratch their heads wondering what happened.
Watch my video here for a full explanation of the flashing lights, what causes them and what they mean.
I don't know the reason why Spektrum use satellites and Futaba do not.. but I know they perform equally well in the air and the real world range is almost identical.
From my own testing, only one of the two antenna on a Futaba receiver needs to see a signal from the Transmitter and the whole system will work.
Likewise, only one of the 3 or 4 antenna in a Spektrum / JR receiver / Satellite arrangement needs to see the TX signal and again, the entire system works..
Spektrum has up to 3 or 4 ears listening for a signal.. Futaba has 2... I'm not saying one is better than the other, because in my experience they all work great.
I have done extensive personal range checks with every transmitter / receiver I own and the best range (by about 15%) was a Spektrum Receiver with a JR11X transmitter.
I have plenty of videos of these range checks If you want to see them click here.
Spektrum do make several receivers in the same form factor as the Futaba Receivers, IE, one single receiver with two antenna, See here
Regardless of brand, you should ensure your airborne power supply to the receiver and Servos is sufficient to provide correct operating voltage under any expected flight situation. Any brand receiver will have problems if the supplied voltage drops too low.
My radios, though this photo is missing a new JR 9503 and another DX6i. "
Kao što vidis, neki čovek sa RCuniverse, kako kaže ima preko 1000 letova, na 60 različitih letelica, ima 10 različitih Tx i mislim/verujem da je neko ko je kompetentan da priloži svoj komentar i po neko objašnjenje, jer reklo bi se ima iskustva…
Ti ga pretera sa tvojim komentarima u poslednje vreme, pocev od kamera, pa sad preko radio sistema…. daj nam neke svoje reference da znamo da li te shvatimo ozbiljno…
Sreća te postoji vise dobrih brendova, pa moze da se bira, svako avoju sreću sebi da nadje…
No nevalja što se ovde svašta lupeta, pa čak i da se multikopter najbolje napravi od dve daske i bilo kakvih elemenata motor/ESC, ili već tako nekako… (biser za XXI vek)
Ne bih dalje raspravljao, samo iznosim neka svoja opažanja … THE END
Zajko, ja nemam nista protiv spectruma...cak stavise jedan dx10t, a sad vidim da imaju i dx18t mi dodje kao dream stanica, vanvremenski dizajn...ma extra...ali nazalost nikad tih para je necu imati za takvu stanicu... :( (ok, ne bih mario ni za jednu futabu 14sg, graupner mx20 ili recimo jeti dc14...itd) ()-()
Ljudi, ja se ovim bavim samo iz nekog hobija i slucajni splet okolnosti mi je omogucio da pre dve ili tri godine imam, letim i uzivam u vrhunskom mikrokopteru sa vrhunskom opremom.....i odatle mi eto neko iskustvo sa istim-a znam ga u dusu :)
sustina cele price da je na mikrokopter okto spojen SAMO JEDAN satelit...bez osnovnog prijemnika...znaci on sam samcijat, spojen sa te tri njegove zice na FC direktno...i to tako radi sasvim ok...ali da izvinite ja to ne bih tako leteo. Tacka.
Preporuka koju sam dao , da ako hoce da zadrzi stanicu-nek prepravi okto i umesto mikrokoptera stavi wookong ili recimo superx...
(a ionako mu se ne svidja kako leti mikrokopter...) ili ako ce da zadrzi mikrokopter fc onda najbolje da kupi jedan graupner mx16-ili mx20 bolje...i dalje mi dodje kao najpamenije resenje...
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