Dobrodosao i neka ti je sa srecom
Hvala, koliko vidim bice mi poterbna
Elem, pre nego sto sam poceo, kalibrirao sam stanicu prema uputstvima nadjenim na netu. Ima dosta tutorijala koji se ticu osnovnih setovanja za kalibraciju. U nastavku teksta je jedan od njih koji mi se cinio "najkulturniji" iako, obzirom na moje znanje,ne mora da bude.
1.) Choose an empty slot from the MODEL SELECT menu on the DX6i
2.) Scroll down to COPY/RESET and reset the memory for that model
3.) Scroll to MODEL TYPE and set model to HELI
4.) Scroll down to the REVERSE menu and check that all channels are set to N (this should be the case after resetting the model in step 2)
5.) Scroll down to the SWASH TYPE menu and check that it is set to 1SERVO90 (this should be the case after resetting the model in step 2)
6.) Scroll down to the D/R&EXPO menu and check AILE, ELEV and RUDD are set to 100% and EXPO is set to INH for all 3 channels (this can be re-set to the desired levels later)
7.) Scroll down to the TRAVEL ADJ menu and check that all values are set to 100% in both directions (this should be the case after resetting the model in step 2)
8.) Scroll down to the SUB TRIM menu and check that all values are set to 0 (this should be the case after resetting the model in step 2)
9.) Scroll down to GYRO menu set SW to GYRO. Set position 0 to 0% and set position 1 to 100%.
10) Scroll down to THRO CUR menu and check that NORM is set to 0,25,50,75,100 and HOLD is set to 0. Change all points of STUNT to100% i.e. a flat line.
11.) Scroll down to PITC CUR menu and check that NORM, STUNT and HOLD are set to 0,25,50,75,100 (NORM will be changed after calibrating in Phoenix).
12.) Check that MIX1, MIX2 and set to INH and REVO MIX values are all set to 0
Na nekim mestima podesavaju TRAVEL ADJ. da ide do 125% a negde do 100% sta je ispravnije za osnovno setovanje ?
Ako imate sugestiju i za druge parametre, promenicu sve sto treba.