Author Topic: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K  (Read 29700 times)

Offline tataBulik

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2013, 09:13:17 PM »
Veoma me privlači F3K klasa (DLG), ali ne znam propozicije. Ovo su propozicije sa takmičenja u Hong Kongu, pretpostavljam da je to to.

... Btw, ništa mi nije jasno, osim da se jedrilica "lansira" i na kraju sleti i da invalidi imaju pravo na pomagača, što je, je li, logično  ")  :sljus

Npr., Zadatak 1:

Ukupno trajanje zadatka je 5min. U ovom okviru je cilj imati što više letova u trajanju od min. 30sec i to nosi 1 bod, ali, ako je let bio npr. 63sec - to su 2 boda... Pa u čemu je fora ostvariti što više letova, ako svako naredno 30 sec u vazduhu bez prekida nosi po bod, tj. za 5 min - 10 bodova (pretpostavljam da svaka takmičarska DLG može ostati u vazduhu tih 5min). Zašto bi čovjek "ispaljivao" deset puta (i slijetao) kad će samo izgubiti na vremenu?!...

Izgleda da nemam odgovarajući procesor za shvatanje elementarnih stvari   (___), ili ovo stvarno nije adekvatno objašnjeno.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 09:27:15 PM by tataBulik »

Offline Anakin

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2013, 09:24:10 AM »
Evo sta je u kojoj rundi cilj.

5.7.10. Scoring

Each competitor must fly at least 3 rounds which have to be completed in order to get a valid final score. Final score

The final score is the sum of normalised scores of rounds minus penalty points.
If 5 or more rounds are flown then the lowest score is dropped.
If 9 or more rounds are flown then the lowest two scores are dropped.
If 14 or more rounds are flown then the lowest 3 scores are dropped.
If 19 or more rounds are flown then the lowest 4 scores are dropped.
If 24 or more rounds are flown then the lowest 5 scores are dropped.
Penalty points must be shown in the results list with an indication of the round in which they were levied. The penalty points are retained even if the score of the round in which the offence occurred is dropped.
If a competitor collects more than 300 penalty points, he will be disqualified from the contest. Resolution of a tie break

In the case of a tie break, the best dropped score defines the ranking. If the tie still exists, the next best dropped score (if enough rounds are flown) defines the ranking. If all dropped scores are used and a ranking cannot be achieved, a separate fly-off for the relevant competitors will be flown to achieve a ranking. In this case the contest jury will define one task that will be flown for the tie-break fly-off. Fly-off

The organiser may announce a fly-off prior at the beginning of the event. The fly-off should consist of at least 3 rounds with a maximum of 6 rounds. If 5 or 6 rounds are flown, the lowest score is dropped.
The maximum number of competitors in a fly-off is limited to 12. The minimum number of competitors in a fly-off should be 10-15 % of the total number of competitors.
A junior fly-off may be held with the maximum number of competitors being 2/3 of the seniors fly-off. A separate junior fly-off is not mandatory.
If a fly-off is flown, the points of the previous rounds are not considered.

5.7.11. Definitions of tasks

Detailed specifications including the tasks to be flown for the day must be announced by the organiser before the start of the contest. The tasks of the program are defined below. Depending on the weather conditions and the number of competitors, the tasks and the related working time may be reduced by a decision of the organiser as defined in the task description. Task A (Last flight):

Each competitor has an unlimited number of flights, but only the last flight is taken into account to determine the final result. The maximum length of the flight is limited to 300 seconds. Any subsequent launch of the model glider in the start and landing field annuls the previous time.
Working time: min 7 minutes, max 10 minutes Task B (Next to last and last flight)

Each competitor has an unlimited number of flights, but only the next to last and the last flight will be scored.
Maximum time per flight is 240 seconds for 10 minutes working time. If the number of competitors is large, the maximum flight time may be reduced to 180 seconds and 7 minutes working time.
Example: 1st flight 65s
2nd flight 45s
3rd flight 55s
4th flight 85s
Total score: 55s + 85s = 140s Task C (All up, seconds)

All competitors of a group must launch their model gliders simultaneously, within 3 seconds of the organiser's acoustic signal. The maximum measured flight time is 180 seconds. The official timekeeper takes the individual flight time of the competitor according to 5.7.6 and 5.7.7 from the release of the model glider and not from the acoustic signal. Launching a model glider more than 3 seconds after the acoustic signal will result in a zero score for the flight.
The number of launches (3 to 5) must be announced by the organiser before the contest begins.
The preparation time between attempts is limited to 60 seconds after the 30 seconds landing window. During this time the competitor may retrieve or change his model glider or do repairs. If a competitors model glider lands outside the start and landing field, the competitor may change his model glider without retrieving and bringing back the one which has landed outside the start and landing field. This is an explicit exception to and only valid for this particular Task C.
The flight times of all attempts of each competitor will be added together and will be normalised to calculate the final score for this task.
No working time is necessary.
Example: Competitor A: 45s + 50s + 35s = 130s = 812.50 points
Competitor B: 50s + 50s + 60s = 160s = 1000.00 points
Competitor C: 30s + 80s + 40s = 150s = 937.50 points Task D (Increasing time by 15 seconds):

Each competitor has an unlimited number of flights for each target flight time. Each competitor must try to complete the first flight of 30 seconds or more. Once this is accomplished, each of the next target flight times must be incremented by 15 seconds therefore flight times should be equal to or more than: 30s; 45s; 60s; 75s; 90s; 105s; 120s. The longest target flight time is 120 seconds. The time of all the achieved target flight times is taken into account for scoring.
Working time is 10 minutes.
Example: 1st flight 32s; target time of 30 seconds is achieved; flight score is 30 seconds.
The next target flight is 45 seconds.
2nd flight 38s; 45 seconds not reached; score 0.
3rd flight 42s; 45 seconds not reached; score 0.
4th flight 47s; target time of 45 seconds is achieved; flight score is 45 seconds.
Partial score is: 30 + 45 seconds. The next target flight is 60 seconds.
5th flight 81s; target time of 60 seconds is achieved; flight score is 60 seconds.
The next target flight should be 75 seconds but the remaining working time is only 65 seconds therefore the next target flight cannot take place.
The total score for the task is: 30s + 45s + 60s = 135 seconds Task E (Poker - variable target time)

Before the first launch, each competitor announces a target time to the official timekeeper. He can perform an unlimited number of launches to reach or exceed, this time. If the target is reached or exceeded, then the target time is credited and the competitor can announce the next target time, which may be lower, equal or higher, before he releases the model glider during the launch. If the target time is not reached, the announced target flight time can not be changed. The competitor may try to reach the announced target flight time until the end of the working time. Towards the end of the working time, the competitor must still announce a real time specified in minutes and/or seconds. Calling only 'until the end of the working time' is not permitted.
The announcement may be repeated 5 times. The 5 flights with achieved targets are scored. The achieved target times are added together.
This task may be included in the competition program only if the organiser provides a sufficient number of official timekeepers, so that each competitor in the round is accompanied by one official timekeeper.
Working time is 10 minutes.
Example: Announced time - Flight time - Scored time
45s - 1st flight 46s - 45s
50s - 1st flight 48s - 0s
2nd flight 52s - 50s
47s - 1st flight 49s 47s
60s - 1st flight 57s - 0s
2nd flight 63s - 60s
60s - 1st flight 65s - 60s
Total score is 262s Task F (3 out of 6)

During the working time, the competitor may launch his model glider a maximum of 6 times. The maximum accounted single flight time is 180 seconds. The sum of the three longest flights up to the maximum of 180 seconds for each flight is taken for the final score.
Working time is 10 minutes. Task G (Five longest flights)

Each competitor has an unlimited number of flights. Only the best five flights will be added together. The maximum accounted single flight time is 120 seconds.
Working time is 10 minutes. Task H (One, two, three and four minute flights, any order)

During the working time, each competitor has an unlimited number of flights. He has to achieve four flights each of a different target duration. The target flight times are 60, 120, 180 and 240 seconds in any order. Thus the competitor's four longest flights flown in the working time are assigned to the four target times, so that his longest flight is assigned to the 240 seconds target, his 2nd longest flight to the 180 seconds target, his 3rd longest flight to the 120 seconds target and his 4th longest flight to the 60 seconds target. Flight seconds longer than the target seconds are not taken into account.
Working time is 10 minutes.
Example: Flight time - Scored time
1st flight - 63s - 60s
2nd flight - 239s - 239s
3rd flight - 182s - 180s
4th flight - 90s - 90s
Total score of this task would be 60s + 239s + 180s + 90s = 569s Task I (Three longest flights)

During the working time, each competitor has an unlimited number of flights. Only the best three flights will be added together. The maximum accounted single flight time is 200 seconds.
Working time is 10 minutes. Task J (Last three flights)

During the working time, each competitor has an unlimited number of flights, but only the last three flights will be scored.
Maximum time per flight is 180 seconds for 10 minutes working time.
Example: 1st flight 150s
2nd flight 45s
3rd flight 180s
4th flight 150s
Total score: 45s + 180s + 155s = 375s
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the very first Fokker airplane built in the world. The Dutch call it the mother Fokker.
— Custodian at the Aviodome aviation museum, Schiphol airport Amsterdam.

An old pilot is one who can remember when flying was dangerous and sex was safe.

Offline branek

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2013, 10:19:32 PM »
Pozdrav svima,

Nikola i ja napredujemo sa sklapanjem. Nikola je par koraka ispred, ali evo ja da dodam deo vezan za rep.

Horizontalac je postavljen na zadnji deo, na "sedište". Pričvršćen je sa dva šrafa. Podesiće se finalno i zalepiti kada se bude proverio ugao, blagim bacanjem iz ruke.



Kao što je već rekao Nikola, krila su urađena neverovatno precizno što se tiče težine. Na slici se vidi da su uravnotežena. Ipak, uputstvo je malo nejasno i imali smo malu teškoću pri leppljenju dve polovine. Ja imam malo manje od 1mm da se nisu lepo uklopili. To će možda morati da se izravna nekom tankom balzom ili nečim sličnim i to ne napadna ivica, nego donji deo spajanja prvih rebara leve i desne strane krila. To je potrebno da bi svi uglovi bili kako treba.




Na trupu sam ulepio dva "ženska" konektora. I sproveo kablove do kabine.


Sutra se nastavlja, povezivanjem "mušičarskim" koncem kontrolnih površina i pravljenjem vođica za njih do kabine, gde će biti servo pokretači.
Sutra će se takođe i zameniti kablovi na pokretačima elerona, da budu par centimetara duži.

Posle toga sledi najteži deo, a to je ugradnja svega potrebnog napred u kabinu.

Više slika uskoro.


« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 10:22:41 PM by branek »

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress." - Captain Eric Moody, Jakarta incident

Offline SABURO

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2013, 05:22:06 PM »
Nisam pisao redovno zbog obaveza, ali evo da se pohvalim da je Marabu malopre poleteo i samo ću reći da treba doooooooooooosta vezbe za izbacivanje...
 :big smile
Opširnije o gradnji čim se ukaže malo vremena da sredim fotke i sl.

Evo našao sam manual kako treba pravilno "stepovati"

Znači Branek, Dule sutra pre takmičenja da vidim da ste ovo naučili pa vam dajem DLG da zabacite  (pijemo)
Nikola |

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2013, 07:32:58 PM »
Marabu je odlican za pocetno zezanje i ucenje izbacivanja DLG-a...samo podesavanje i setovanje na stanici je isto prica za sebe i postupak koji traje.
Danas sam pokusavao da ubodem pravo teziste za model menjajuci tri vrste baterija i vadeci olovo iz nosa...dosao sam do idealne pozicije za CG, ali problem je nastao kada sam probao luping  :sljus

Naprsla krila na pola

Bum ili trup kako god da se zove je naprsao iz krila

krila su sanirana veoma brzo


trup cu pokusati da saniram staklenim platnom i epoksi smolom, valjda ce drzati...ako nista, fino sam se igrao citavih pola sata.  :big smile
Nikola |

Offline Vaci

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2013, 11:32:33 PM »
Cekaj samo si probao luping nisi nigde udario? Neverovatno... To ne sme da se desi pa ne znam kolko da je jeftin.

Sto se tice krila na spoj stavi staklo pod 45 stepeni, 100g+ oko 4cm sirine, naravno ako konstrukcija dozvoljava tako nesto. Ja stavljam karbon, ali ne znam dali na taj ima smisla staviti njega. A sto se tice trupa mislim da tu neces proci bez karbona, ako hoces da lici na nesto. Mozda moze i sa malo vise stakla, nisam siguran. Bas me zanima kako ces to resiti.

Offline SABURO

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2013, 11:45:12 PM »
Luping na maloj visini i onda sa jedno 6-7 metara vertikala u zemlju, jednostavno nisam imao vremena da sakupim brzinu za izvlacenje  :sljus Zasto i kako sam to uradio, ni sam ne znam...valjda sam se suvise zaigrao, jbg.

Prvo sam zalio tecnim cijanom kako bi usao u svaku poru platna i carbona, jer znam da ce carbon i cijan veoma dobro slazu i cine jako dobar spoj, ali krt nazalost. Time sam vratio sve u nulu i dobio osnovnu krutocu.

Onda sam naizmenicno brusio i premazivao obruseni deo cijanom u dva navrata

nakon treceg brusenja smirgl papirom naneo avio smolu razredjenu metanolom kako bi carbon koliko toliko upio smolu i tako ostavio da se susi do sutra.

Sutra testni let, pa cu vam reci da li je O.K. ili da ovo ne radite. U medjuvremenu sam dobio informaciju od Adama na koji nacin se ovakve naprsline saniraju, ali nazalost vec sam odradio posao tako da mi to ostaje mozda kao back up varijanta.
Nikola |

Offline branek

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2013, 09:47:07 AM »
Ma biće ovo ok...

Jbt, ja se nesekirao baš.. vidim da sad i nije baš velika šteta.
Aj napiši to od Adama, kako se sanira... da znamo, pu pu, ne daj bože! :)

Čujemo se kasnije...

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress." - Captain Eric Moody, Jakarta incident

Offline Vaci

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2013, 01:02:16 PM »
I mene zanima, imao sam slican slucaj. Samo sto je moj pao sa 50m visine direktno na nos, jer mi iskliznula palica za elevator sa palca oo)) i ostao je u jednom komadu.... covece.... a ja sav srecan umesto da lepo sve proverim, zavitlam ga i bacim i.... pukne trup na pola. Bio naprso malo a ja moron ga unakazim. I sad me zanima kako da ga zalepim ako mi se desi nesto slicno. Dal ima neka specijalna tehnika?

Offline IVAN3D

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2013, 02:18:36 PM »
I mene zanima, imao sam slican slucaj. Samo sto je moj pao sa 50m visine direktno na nos, jer mi iskliznula palica za elevator sa palca oo)) i ostao je u jednom komadu.... covece.... a ja sav srecan umesto da lepo sve proverim, zavitlam ga i bacim i.... pukne trup na pola. Bio naprso malo a ja moron ga unakazim. I sad me zanima kako da ga zalepim ako mi se desi nesto slicno. Dal ima neka specijalna tehnika?

Wtf.... skliznula palica sa palca i model pao sa 50 metara!?!?!
A u medjuvremenu? ???
\\\" Sve što leti ima nezgodnu osobinu da pada \\\"

ex pseudonijum: GLIDER

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2013, 04:46:32 PM »
Metoda koju mi je Adam preporucio je da se taj deo trupa gde je napukao rasece i ubaci deo pecaroskog stapa iznutra i kasnije zalepi smolom i platnom. Nazalost vec sam "popravio" trup pa sam kasno video poruku. Ako stignem danas cu probati model i preneti vam da li je ok ili nije. U svakom slucaju cu staviti platno na deo trupa gde je bio naprsao.

Nikola |

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2013, 05:03:12 PM »
I mene zanima, imao sam slican slucaj. Samo sto je moj pao sa 50m visine direktno na nos, jer mi iskliznula palica za elevator sa palca oo)) i ostao je u jednom komadu.... covece.... a ja sav srecan umesto da lepo sve proverim, zavitlam ga i bacim i.... pukne trup na pola. Bio naprso malo a ja moron ga unakazim. I sad me zanima kako da ga zalepim ako mi se desi nesto slicno. Dal ima neka specijalna tehnika?

Wtf.... skliznula palica sa palca i model pao sa 50 metara!?!?!
A u medjuvremenu? ???

Bacio sam ga na 50m i dok je padao zinuo sam u .... koje je prolazilo :P Salim se. Hteo sam da ga zaletim i na 5-10m visine izvucem u luping ili invertovan let. Na tih 5-10m mi je iskliznula elevator palica sa palca i ostalo se odigralo za 0.5 sekundi...

Ja i radim DLG boom sa segmentom pecaroskog stapa. Umesto da ga ubacis unutra i dodas nekoliko grama tezine u rep, pa onda jos 3-4 puta toliko u nos zbog balansa, mozda je bolje da promenis ceo rep za stap za pecanje. Odi u ribolovacku radnju i trazi segmente stapa od "viskera". To je vrsta karbonskog stapa (materijala) ultra laka. Vidjao sam segmente upotrebljive za DLG i po 15gr tezine, do 20gr otprilike. Od klasicnog karbona idu po 40-ak grama tezine. Uglavnom je treci segment. Na kraju ako zamenis ceo rep mozes da dodjes u situaciju i da stavljas tezinu u nos zbog balansa, toliko je lagano, a prilicno zilavo. Mozda ti to zavrsi posao.

Skoro sam napravio "tenk dlg" od 400gr, skoro neunistiv. Ne lansira se do ultra visina kao prethodni lagani, ali jako lepo leti po vetru. Hvata i termale da kazem solidno. Stavi visker segment i no problemo.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 05:07:57 PM by Vaci »

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2013, 07:12:41 PM »
nikola ne iznutra nego spolja, ovako je lakse i brze

Offline Vaci

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2013, 07:46:59 PM »
Imam jedno pitanje, prvenstveno za Adama posto je on iskusan u DLG prici, a i za svakog ko zna. Branek je spomenuo vezivanje kontrolnih povrsina i servoa musicarskim koncem. I ja tako tadim. Jednostavno je najlaganiji sistem plus apsorbuje udarce do izvesne mere. Ali primetio sam da DLG koji sam napravio sa karbonskim sipkama umesto konca leti daleko vise prilikom lansiranja. Takodje sam primetio duplo manju visinu lansiranja kod sistema sa koncem kada nije sve kako treba pa rep upadne u rezonansu i vibracije. Posle sam to sanirao dodatnim dotezanjuma i ukrucivanjima sarki, i lansirao se 50% vise.

Dakle pitanje je, dali je za DLG generalno ipak bolje staviti krutu vezu sa repom, ili moze da prodje i konac ako se obrati paznja i sve dobro dotera? Gledam nesto i ove najskuplje DLG-ove, imaju krutu vezu, mora da tu ima nesto inace bi i oni stedeli na masi?

Offline SABURO

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Re: DLG Marabu - klasa F3K
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2013, 08:30:52 PM »
Sve je O.K. Leti odlicno, mada duvao je jak vetar pa je malo bilo turbulentno za letenje. Napravio sam bar desetak izbacivanja iz sve snage i sve je ostalo u celini. Mislim da ne treba nista da diram vise.

Hvala Adamu za info  (pijemo)
Nikola |