FAI je napokon izbacio po prvi put svoj predlog (do sada su bila samo nacionalna) F5J pravila (verovatno ce biti usvojena 16.4) koja mogu lako da sumiram:
- Pogonska grupa ogranicena na 200W/min (znaci mozemo koristiti 600W 20s, 1200W 10s ili 2400W 5s ...)
- potrebna elektronika koja ce sluziti kao tacan ogranicavac (tipa Unilog
http://www.der-schweighofer.at/artikel/69551/uni_log_datenlogger_mit_usb-kabel ) koja ce iskljuciti motor nakon potrosenih 200W/min
- dozvoljeno ukljuciti motor vise puta (npr. 2 x 5s za tih nekih 1200W)
- ukupno 600s od trenutka kada model napusti ruku takmicara, boduje se samo jedrenje, znaci vreme za koje motor radi se ne racuna
- precizno sletanje u krugove 10m, 20m, 30m
Bice potrebni modeli koji mogu jako brzo (max 10s) da se popnu na potrebnu visinu i nakon toga jedre. Znaci neki hibrid izmedju danasnjih F5B i F3J (nesto oko 2-2,2m barem po diskusiji sa rcgroups) stim sto su manji (oko 2m) bolji za dobre uslove sa puno termike (kraci rad motora) a veci (oko 3m) bolji za slabe uslove. Mogu da stavim linkove za moja 2 favorita:
http://f3j.in.ua/index.php?id=115http://www.f3b.in.ua/graphite2e.htmlA evo i diskusije sa rcgroups:
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1137247&page=23I celog teksta sa FAI sajta:
g) 5.5.10 F5J Electric Duration Gliders F5 Sub-committee
Add a new class to the rules as follows: Definition
This contest is a duration and landing event. Model Aircraft Specifications
Maximum Surface Area 150 dm2
Maximum Flying Mass 5 kg
Loading 12 to 75 g/dm2
Type of Battery .LiPo
Limitation of Energy 200 Watt-min Duration and Landing Task
a) This task must be completed within 600 seconds after the model
releases hand-launched and ends, when the model airplane comes to
rest after landing.
b) The competitor has to decide how much and how often he will
switch on the motor.
c) Gliding time is cumulative and one point will be awarded for each
full second the model aircraft is gliding;
d) One point will be deducted for each full second flown in excess of
600 seconds.
e) Additional points will be awarded for landing; when the model
aircraft comes to rest in the 30 m circle, 10 points will be given while
coming to rest in the 20 m circle gives 20 points, and when coming to
rest in the 10 m circle 30 points will be given. The distances are
measured from the centre of the circle to the nose of the model
f) No additional points will be awarded if the landing occurs more
than 630 seconds after beginning of this task.
I kompletan dokument za sastanak koji ce se odrzati 16-17.4. u Lozani
http://www.fai.org/aeromodelling/system/files/ciam_201003_agenda.pdf nama ovde zanimljiva str. 69.